Chapter 37: Tears and Deceit.

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The news of Emanie and Ryan getting beat up by Amarr and Dianne in a freshman hallway went around pretty well but it didn't go much farther than the freshman complex. The news that really went around was Emanie returning Alexis' panties because there were many more pictures.

It didn't really affect Alexis cuz the worst had happened. Like literally nothing could be more terrible.

Emanie leaned on his kitchen counter opposite the microwave staring down at his phone four days after the incident. It was around 4pm and he was heating up some left over spaghetti. It only took a day for his nose to heal after Dianne tried to kill him. Luckily, it wasn't broken.

"Emanie, there's a problem" Ryan said walking into his kitchen with his phone in his hand

"I know" Emanie began turning back to face him. "all the milk just expired" he continued. "I really should have checked the dates before buying" he added.

"You bought expired milk!?" Ryan questioned.

"No, I bought the milk last week and it expired this week" Emanie replied.

"That's not even the problem I was talking about" Ryan said.

"What?" Emanie asked.

"Alexis is telling everyone at school that you guys are actually dating and you just had a misunderstanding" Ryan replied.

"What!?" Emanie questioned and the microwave dinged.

"Yeah, she said you're just blowing things way out of proportion and you guys will soon work things out and get back together" Ryan told him. "people are actually believing this shit" he added.

"What the fuck?" Emanie furrowed his eyebrows "and are you sure she said this?" He asked.

"Yeah, three guys from our class just called me to ask if it was true" Ryan replied. "And if they know, there's a very big chance everybody else knows" he added.

"But why the fuck would she be telling people that?"

"Uh, obviously to make herself look less stupid" Ryan replied. "You should talk to her" he added.

"What do you mean talk to her?" He questioned.

"Confront her" Ryan replied.

"Confront Alexis?" Emanie questioned.

"Yeah" Ryan replied.

"Ryan how is your arm?" He asked dropping his phone on the counter.

"You know I really thought it was broken, but it's fine now" He replied.

"Good" Emanie began. "So why don't you go confront Alexis then" he added.


"Yeah so Amarr can really break your arm this time" Emanie said opening the microwave to take out his bowl of spaghetti. "Or maybe it won't even be Amarr" he continued. "Maybe it will be his also psychotic best friend Dianne" he said. "Yeah, don't worry, you go ahead and confront Alexis. I'll just sign your cast like you signed mine" he added, closing the microwave.

"So you're just gonna let her say these things?" Ryan questioned. "She's lying against you" he added

"Let is slide" Emanie replied stepping out of the kitchen.

"Let it slide?" Ryan questioned

"If you're so bothered you can go ahead and try to stop her" Emanie told him. "I don't want no problems for myself" he added.

Yeah, Amarr might have given Emanie a bit of PTSD. Seeing him try to break Ryan's arm reminded Emanie of the time he got his arm broken. It was really terrible. He had to stay indoors all summer cuz he had a cast. One would think he would have learnt his lesson but nope. He wanted to get the last hit.

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