Karma Has No Mercy : The Final Chapter.

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"I feel terrible" Alexis muttered, staring down at the mat.

"Why?" Emanie asked.

"You've been through so much." She replied.

"It's all in the past now" he began. "I'm beginning to get over everything" he continued. "I mean, I've always been scared to fall in love cuz I didn't want to end up with someone like my mum or my aunt or the other cunt" he said. "But then I met you, I really met you" he told her.

Alexis couldn't feel more guilty than she was at that moment.

"Thanks for giving me another chance Alexis" he said.

"Yeah" she muttered, taking a bite of her burger. She still wasn't done with it. "but didn't you ever like get scared?" She asked, raising her head to face him.

"Of what?" He asked.

"Getting a girl pregnant" she replied. She regretted saying it immediately it came out of her mouth.

'why the fuck did I ask that?!' she yelled at herself.

"That's impossible" he replied.

"Things happen Emanie" She said.

"Yeah, but not in this case" he told her.

"Oh so you're always extra careful?" She asked.

The conversation was getting very awkward and Alexis was regretting every bit of it.

"Even if I wasn't" he replied

"You're really confident Emanie"

"It's not about confidence"  he told her.

"What do you mean?" She asked and he just stared back at her like the answer was in his eyes. "What?" Alexis asked after about ten seconds of silence.

"I..." Emanie began. "I..." He began again but he just couldn't push out his words.

"You can trust me" Alexis told him, leaning forward.

Emanie sighed, clenching his fists. "I shoot blanks" he told her.

"What?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?" She questioned and Emanie just dropped his head, shutting his eyes to hold back tears. "I don't..." Alexis was saying but that was when it hit her. "Are you..." She began.

"Yes" he replied, raising his head to face her. "I can't get a girl pregnant" he added.

'yeah, I definitely shouldn't brought this up'  She thought and she looked around like was looking for something.

She could see literally nothing after the light. It was total darkness.

Then her phone beeped beside Emanie telling her she got a message. He picked it up and handed it to her.

She took it from his and woke the screen to see who it was. The message was from Dianne. It read:

We got all that.

'fuck' Alexis thought.

She felt really guilty but there was no going back now.

"I..." Alexis began, setting aside the food basket that sat in between the both of them. "I don't know what to say" she said and she moved closer to him.

"It's fine" he replied, forcing a smile.

"But I know how I can cheer you up" she smiled.

"Ok" he began. "How?" He asked.

Alexis just smiled and took off her jacket. "The sea is right there" she said.

"Yeah, maybe swimming isn't the best idea right now" he replied. "I don't want to get my clothes wet" he added.

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