Chapter 29: The Big Game.

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It was the next day and Alexis was beginning to see the reason why she should have made friends in her own class. The only person who was talking to her was Candace who was constantly reminding her how terrible the situation was. The guilt was killing her.

The first lecturer stepped out and the hall immediately became rowdy. Some students were leaving while others sat back chatting. Of course Alexis packed up her books and got up to leave.

She had decided to ignore Emanie but then she realized it might not be the best idea cuz whether she liked it or not, it was then she needed him the most. She had really gotten herself into a lot of shit .

She got to the door and turned back to look at the class. It was rowdy. Students sat in groups, discussing and laughing loudly. Only if she had made friends there.

She turned and stepped out of the class ready to head to then next hall. Then she crashed into Noah.

"Noah??" She questioned with furrowed eyebrows. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Come with me" Noah replied, ignoring her questions.

He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled  her straight out of the building.

"Noah!" She yelled as he finally let go of her.

"Shut up for a minute ok?" She shot back and Alexis folded her arms. "I need to warn you" he began firmly. "I don't know what happened between you and that son of a bitch and I don't really wanna know but let this be the last time" he continued. "Stay away from him" he concluded.

"Why?" She asked

"You see, this..." Noah began. "this is why you're stupid" he added.

"Can you not talk to me like that?"

"At this point, calling you stupid isn't even an insult" Noah began. "Amarr is a junior isn't he?" He questioned. "I am so damn sure he has said something about Emanie but of course, you stupidly ignored" he continued. "Emanie is just Adam all over again" he added.

"You're wrong" She began. "They are nothing alike" she added.

"Seriously?" Noah questioned, obviously getting tired of her. "you know what, I don't gotta explain shit to you." He continued. "I'm older and this is my fourth year in Bevard so when I say something, you listen. " He added.

"And what if I don't?" She questioned.

"If you won't listen to me who has seen it all, I bet you'll listen to mum who I am so damn sure is gonna come straight down here after I tell her her daughter came to Bevard just to get repeatedly fucked by someone three years above her" He replied. "your choice Alexis" he concluded and immediately walked away.

Alexis just rolled her eyes and turned to walk back into the building. She was so tired of Noah threatening her with their mum.

'grow up' she thought as she rolled her eyes again.


Soon it was Saturday and Alexis was getting really miserable. Turns out college isn't so fun when you have no friends. In fact it's frustrating, really frustrating.

The guys seemed so happy each time she saw them but she didn't have the guts to approach them. The day before she had tried but once she got to the door, she just couldn't do it. Even Candace was always with them now, it felt like she hadn't been waiting for Alexis to slip up.

She still talked to Emanie over the phone but she never met up with him and not just because Noah had threatened her, she really didn't want to.

Anyways. It was the day of Amarr's big game. Well, the team's big game but whatever.

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