Chapter 45: Everybody's Crazy At Midnight

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"Alexis" Amarr called as she walked down the stairs. She looked really tired.

Soon, she got off the stairs and Amarr immediately walked towards her. He saw how tired she looked and he became so worried.

"Are you ok?" He asked in a low tone and she just nodded. "Are you sure? You look really tired, did he do anything?" He questioned.

"No, I'm ok" she replied and Dianne cleared her throat, calling Amarr's attention.

He immediately realized and he turned to face Emanie who had now stepped away from the wall. Then he turned back to Alexis.

"It's the middle of the night Alexis, why weren't you picking your calls?" He asked.

"I wasn't with my phone" she replied.

"Well you didn't tell me you were going to stay over" he said. "Did he do something?" He asked, turning to Emanie.

Emanie just avoided his gaze and stared at Alexis, waiting for her response.

"No" Alexis replied reluctantly. It looked like she wasn't sure if Emanie did anything or not but when had he ever denied things he had done. Never. He always owned up to his actions.

If he had drugged her he would have said it as always.

"Are you sure?" Amarr asked.

"Uh... Yeah" Alexis replied.

Emanie just rolled his eyes and helped Ryan off the floor.

"He did nothing to Alexis, ok?" Ryan began. "She probably passed out cuz of something she ate" he added.

"Ryan!" Emanie yelled, his eyes widening.

"What?" Amarr questioned, sharply turning to face Emanie. "You passed out?" He asked, turning back to Alexis.

"Yeah, but..." Alexis was saying.

"Did he drug you?" Dianne asked.

"No" Alexis replied sharply.

"And how would you know that?" Amarr asked her.

"Cuz... Cuz he said so" she replied, dropping her head.

"Cuz he said so?" Blake questioned.

"I did nothing to her ok?" Emanie said.

"So she just passed out for no reason?" Amarr shot back and he sighed. "I knew this would happen" he continued "I totally saw this coming, Alexis I told you" he said and there was a short silence. "You know what..." He began again. "Fuck everything, let's go guys" he continued and he turned to walk towards the door. "You just never listen" he added as he disappeared out the door.

"You coming?" Dianne asked Alexis.

Alexis turned to stare at Emanie who just stared back at her. Then she turned back to Dianne.

"Yeah" she replied.

"Come on" Dianne said, holding her by her wrist.

They walked out of the house together and Emanie just sighed.

"Did you drug her?"Ryan asked him.

"Shut up Ryan" He shot back, walking towards the door.

Blake stepped into the Driver's seat of his car that was parked directly in front of Emanie's house, Amarr stepped into the front passenger seat while the others got into the back.

"Well, that was intense" Blake said, starting the engine.

"So intense" Wayne replied.

"And hilarious" Dianne laughed.

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