Chapter 3: The green eyed guy.

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Alexis scurried down the hallway at the  lecture complex at exactly 8:15am the next morning.

Her hair was packed into a messy bun and she had thrown on a pair of black pants and a slightly oversized pink top. She had actually picked out an amazing first day of college look the day before but waking up 7:32, she just had to throw on something she could quickly slip into.

She was already fifteen minutes late to her first lecture ever after promising herself to come at least five minutes early for every class. She had set her alarm to ring at 6:30 that morning and it did but considering the amount of alcohol she had at the party and how much stress it took to pry Dianne off Fred, there was no way she was getting up that early.

Dianne didn't just stop at tackling Fred, she kept attacking him till she had blood all over her hands.

Wasn't her blood tho.

She was so mad she even hit Amarr a couple times while they tried to pull her off him. It was a really crazy scene. Dianne was pretty chill with everyone, she was as crazy as they came, the biggest social butterfly but there was no way she was just going to overlook that level of disrespect.

Fred was definitely not going to be attending classes for a while.

Alexis finally came to a halt in front of a door close to the end of the hallway and she bent over to catch her breath. She had been running all the way from the dorm but when she got into the complex, her running turned to speed walking.

She didn't want to look stupid running in the halls.

She eventually straightened up and began to mentally prepare herself for what she was about to face on the other side of the door.

A hall full of students who would immediately conclude within themselves that she's a slacker and a lecturer standing in front of the class, thinking the exact same thing with an additional stink eye for coming late to his or her class.

"I got this" she muttered to herself, taking in a deep breath.

She let out a sigh, carefully grabbing the door handle. She slightly pushed open the door and peeped through the little crack.

Her eyebrows instantly snapped together at the sight before her. "What?" She mumbled as she gazed into the empty hall.

Confusion written all over her face, she stepped back and looked up at the door. The number 9 was boldly written above the wooden doorframe.

Still confused, she hastily unzipped the little hand bag she was carrying and pulled out her schedule. She ran her eyes over it once again and it was clearly written there that she had an 8am lecture in hall 9.

Am I missing something?   She thought with her eyebrows still pulled together as she desperately stared down at the paper, looking for answers.

She eventually gave up and slipped her schedule back into her bag. Summoning courage, she pushed the door open.

Stepping in, she realized the hall wasn't completely empty. In the front row sat three guys and a girl who all had their noses buried in textbooks.

Alexis had never been the reading type. She was the type to run through loads of work a few days to the exam and eventually get average grades. She was cool with it tho, as long as she wasn't failing. Seeing a group of freshman reading on the first day might have pissed her off.

Nerds. She thought, mentally rolling her eyes.

"Uh, hi guys" she called out a little bit awkwardly as she walked down the isle towards said nerds.

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