Chapter 31: It Happened.

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"Goddamnit!" Noah yelled as he dialled Alexis' number again. He was basically loosing his mind and so close to tears.

His hair was already messed up and sweat trickled down his forehead. His heart was pounding and he was shaking. He couldn't even sit still so he paced up and down his room. He looked crazy.

"Pick up!" He yelled at his phone.

"She won't" his roommate told him. "This is like the thirtieth time you're calling her, you need to relax" he added.

"Shit" Noah said as it went straight to voicemail, again!. He leaned on the wall and slowly slid to the ground. "This is so fucked up" he muttered.



Reader discretion is advised.

Alexis' phone vibrated on the couch in the living room. Amarr was calling. Yeah, he was blowing up her phone too, everybody was. But there was no way she could pick up, she wasn't even in the living room.

Alexis' lacy red panties were carelessly thrown on the well polished floor of Emanie's room right by her denim jacket at the doorstep.

She was up against the wall and the straps of her purple flower patterned gown were slipping down her shoulders. Emanie had both his middle finger and index finger down there and she frequently moaned in his mouth as their tongues entwined. She was standing on her toes, trying to match with Emanie's height but he still had to bend a little. Yeah, she was that short.

He finally slipped out his fingers and broke the kiss. She went back to her normal height and he watched her try to catch her breath. He pushed aside the few strands of hair that fell over her face and she finally looked up to face him. A smile slowly creeped onto his face.

"I'd never do anything if you don't want me to" he told her. "So..." He continued, sliding his hands down to her shoulders, taking the straps of her gown. "Do you want this?" He asked and she slowly nodded. "I'm gonna need you to be verbal" he said.


Well, of course she agreed, she wasn't in her right senses.

He gave a slight chuckle and began to slowly pull down her dress by the straps. Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched him. As soon as the gown was below her boobs, it fell to the ground.

He took a while to gaze at her body. She was petite and beautiful. He took his hands back to her shoulders and then worked his way down. Cupping her butt, he lifted her. She was basically weightless. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he turned around to walk towards his bed. He carefully set her down and her heart pounded even faster. He unbuttoned his pants and slipped out a pack of condom.

"You look scared" he began. "Do you trust me?" He questioned.

"Yeah" she replied after about five seconds of silence and he tore open the condom with his teeth.

What was she thinking? Absolutely nothing. Her mind was scrambled, she couldn't even think.

She let out a gasp as he slowly slid into her.


Hours passed and soon it was 1am. Emanie sat at the edge of his bed opposite his TV with a game pad in his hands. He was shirtless and his hair was messed up. Alexis was laying in the bed under the blanket, fast asleep.

"Goddamnit!!!" Emanie yelled at the TV and Alexis jerked awake.

She sharply opened her eyes and a sharp pain struck her in the head. She was so confused.

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