Chapter 7: Punch and Cocaine

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Alexis stepped out of her room at exactly 7:58pm. She had thrown on a pair of blue jeans and a red hoodie over it with a pair of plain white sneakers. Yeah that's what she decided to wear after Emanie told her not to wear something 'too thick'.

'why the fuck would he say that??' she had repeatedly asked herself and she still hadn't found an answer.

She found it so suspicious that he had specified what she had to wear so she decided to wear the thickest clothes she could find in her closet just to be on the safer side.

She reluctantly walked down the hall towards the main doors, rethinking her decision to go out with this strange but incredibly hot guy she met just two days ago.

It just seemed too good to be true.

'is this another one of my stupid decisions' She asked herself again before she could get to the doubled glass doors of the dorm.

It didn't take a genius to figure out she was desperately trying to find answers in her head. It was clear on her face that she was deep in thought.

She eventually got to the exit and she slipped her phone out of her pocket to check the time. It was exactly 8pm, just as Emanie told her.

So many thoughts ran through her head. Was she meant to be late? Being on time felt weird. Did she seem overly excited about going out with him?. The last thing she wanted was for him to think she was obsessed or something.

She grabbed the handle of one of the transparent glass doors and as she did, she took a last glance at her outfit.

'what if this mf is tryna use reverse psychology?' Her eyes widened at the thought. 'what if he actually wants me to wear something thick and he only said not to just to get in my head?'.

She thought of going back to change but then again what if he actually meant what he said and she was only being paranoid. She was conflicted.

Taking a deep breath, she finally pushed the door open. She stepped out and closed her eyes to relax herself as the cool breeze ran through her hair.

'its gonna be fine' she assured herself, her lips curving upwards into a smile.

"Hey" she heard that voice call, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She sharply opened her eyes and turned to the direction the voice came from. She immediately came to meet the gaze of a brown haired guy leaning on the hood of a 2021 Kia Forte. He gazed back at her, a bored look in his eyes. She turned back seeing it wasn't Emanie and she didn't bother you glancing at him again.

She began to scan the area for somewhere to sit while she waited and she almost immediately spotted a empty bench amidst a few trees.

"Goldilocks" she heard that familiar voice call before she could even begin to approach the bench and for some reason she heaved a sigh of relief.

She turned again and she saw Emanie step out of the driver's seat of the Kia forte.

His voice was oddly satisfying. She had concluded within herself that she was never going to get used to it.

She began to approach him with a smile and the brown haired guy just rolled his eyes and stepped into the backseat of the car.

"Didn't expect you to come this early" Emanie said, leaning on the top of the car.

"Yeah, I had nothing else to do" Alexis blurted out and her smile immediately faded as she heard herself.

'What!? You had nothing else to do!!? Who says that!? Dumbass!' that little voice in her head yelled at her.

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