Chapter 13: Kate.

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"Shut up I'm coming!" Alexis yelled at Dianne over the phone as she stepped out of her room the next day. 

She ended the call and slipped the phone into her pocket. Then she began to head towards the stairs.

It was just another free Saturday for Alexis to have fun and fuck around with Dianne and Amarr, sometimes Wayne and Blake would tag along— mostly Wayne.

Alexis didn't see much of Blake. He didn't hang out with them a lot.

"He's a really busy guy" Amarr would say each time Alexis asked about him.

She walked up the stairs and headed towards Amarr's room immediately she got to the second floor. It was kinda the main hangout spot. They barely stayed in Alexis' room cuz of Candace and Dianne's room would have been the best hangout spot cuz the person who was supposed to be her roommate never showed up but nope, they were always at Amarr's.

She grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open but before she could step in, she saw a hand grab the door handle and shut it right in front of her.

She turned her head and her eyes immediately met the angry red haired girl who has staring down at her. Yeah, she was tall with mad long legs. She had her arms folded in front of her and she just glared at Alexis.

"Uh, can I help you?" Alexis asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" The girl shot back.

Alexis drew back her head, "excuse me?" She questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah" the girl replied sharply. "I know exactly who you are, Alexis Ocasio" she added.

"If you know exactly who I am then why did you ask?" Alexis questioned "you're obviously confused" she added and she stretched her hand to grab the door handle but before she could, the girl grabbed it.

"Uh, I'm not done with you" She said.

"Oh my God, what do you want!?" Alexis yelled in frustration.

"You to stay away from my boyfriend" the girl replied sharply.

"What!?" Alexis drew back her head again

She didn't see that coming.

"Yeah you heard me" she said folding her arms.

"Is Luke your boyfriend?" Alexis asked curiously.

"No!" The girl yelled back "I know you know who exactly I'm talking about" she added.

"Oh jeez" Alexis sighed. She was already tired of the conversation.

"I don't know what exactly he sees in a freshman but I don't really care. You better stay away from him." The girl began "Emanie has a girlfriend" she added.

"Emanie?" Alexis questioned.

"Yeah, you better back off or you're gonna have to deal with me" she replied "and trust me you don't want that " she added.

"Oh am I supposed to be afraid of you?" Alexis asked folding her arms.

She wasn't even ready to state the fact that nothing was really going on between she and Emanie.

"As a matter of fact, yes" She replied "yes you should be" she added.

"Well..." Alexis was saying but before she could complete her statement, the door flung open and Dianne and Amarr stepped out.

"Fuck no" Amarr said immediately he saw the girl and he stepped back into the room "not today" he added right before he closed the door behind him.

It was like he knew who exactly she was so he wasn't even ready to listen to whatever reason she had to be standing in front of his room.

Dianne took a good look at the girl and turned to look at Alexis then back to the girl.

"What do you want Kate?" She asked with a sigh and a look that seemed to say 'again with this bullshit'.

Everybody knew who she was except Alexis, obviously.

Kate just rolled her eyes Dianne and turned to face Alexis. "So you have blacks looking after you" she began with a look of disappointment "such a shame" she added.

"Uh..." Alexis began but Dianne just gently pushed her back as if to say 'I got this'.

Yeah, things just got personal.

"Listen, Kate..." Dianne began with a smile.

"Quiet Dianne, indigenes are talking" Kate fired before Dianne could even finish her statement.

Dianne's smile didn't fade away but Alexis saw her slowly clench her fists.

'yeah she dead' Alexis thought.

Sometimes she wondered if Dianne was ok, she knew she wouldn't be if she was the one who was constantly being segregated. It was like everywhere Dianne went, she was reminded she was black, like it was a crime or something.

Dianne just stared straight at Kate with a smile on her face. 'Emi Kasope?' she thought.

"You know Kate," she began "you're right, I am not an  indigene" she continued "but at least I don't wear oversized bras to hide inexistent boobs" she continued and Kate gasped.

She was shocked.

"Yeah, that's right, you're not fooling anyone" Dianne told her "why do you think everyone calls you Kathy Chalkboard, uhn?" She questioned with an eyebrow raised.

She was the only one who called her that but whatever.

"...and judging from the fact that your legs look like hairy toothpicks, you obviously haven't heard about a razor" Dianne continued " you should try shaving sometime, Simba" she added folding her arms.

"How dare..." Kate tried to say.

"You know this is probably the perfect time to tell you that nobody really likes you Kate" Dianne began cutting her short. "in fact, Emanie never liked you so stop throwing yourself at him" she continued "and I bet you feel so big with that ketchup coloured hair of yours, blue contact lenses and cheap perfume" she added "that's right, everybody knows your eyes are actually brown" she concluded.

Alexis was dying of laughter.

"That does it" Kate said

She raised her hand to slap Dianne but before her hand could land on her face, Dianne threw her a punch and she immediately fell to the ground.

"Ow" Kate groaned grabbing her jaw.

"Get up and fight Kathy Chalkboard" Dianne said looking down at her. "Come on!" She yelled. "This non indigene is about to fuck you up!"

It was then Amarr and Wayne came out of the room.

"Yeah, whoop her ass!" Wayne yelled holding out his phone, obviously recording.

"Oh jeez" Amarr sighed.

'best Saturday ever' Alexis thought.

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