Chapter 51: The Sob Story

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"Shit" Emanie muttered as he looked around at everyone. He definitely wasn't expecting the entire gang to be in the room.

After about ten seconds of silence, Amarr got up from his seat, making eye contact with Emanie.

'Nope'  Emanie thought and he immediately stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Alexis!" Dianne called out.

The bathroom door flung open and Alexis stepped out closing the door behind her.

"Yeah?" She replied, looking around for a napkin to dry her wet hands.

"You just missed Cavalero" Blake told her.

"What!?" She questioned.

"Yeah, he came in while you were in the bathroom" Wayne replied.

"And you guys didn't think to call me?" Alexis asked.

"We were going to..." Candace began

"But then Amarr scared him off" Dianne added.

"Oh jeez" Alexis sighed. "Did he see Kimberly?" She asked.

"We're not stupid" Wayne replied.

Alexis just sighed and began to walk towards the door.

"You're going after him?" Amarr asked.

"Yeah, duh" she replied grabbing the door handle. She flung open the door and stepped out into the hallway.

Emanie was already at the entrance.

"Emanie!" She called out, walking towards him.

He turned back to face her and he smiled. More like a smile of relief.

"Hey" she said with a smile, immediately she got to him.

"Happy birthday Goldilocks" Emanie replied.

"Thank you" She replied.

"So..." Emanie began. "Looks like you're kinda busy with your friends" he added.

"No" she replied sharply. "I already told them I was going out with you tonight" she added.

"Oh" he began. "That's cool" he continued. "So shall we then?" He asked.

"No, I need to change" She replied. "Just two minutes and I'll be right back" she added.

"Ok, I'll be in my car, it's parked right outside" he replied.

"Alright" she said and she turned to walk back into her room.

Soon, she got to her door and she stepped into the room.

"So?" Dianne asked immediately she stepped in.

"I need to change" She replied, walking towards the closet door. She turned the knob and opened the door.

Kimberly was still in there. Alexis was definitely expecting to see anyone in the closet so she shrieked out of shock. So did Kimberly.

"What the fuck?" Alexis questioned.

"We forgot Kimberly in the closet" Wayne muttered and they all nodded.

"I didn't" Dianne shrugged with a smirk on her face.

"Is Emanie gone?" Kimberly asked.

"Yeah" Alexis replied.

She changed into a purple flower patterned gown and threw on a denim jacket over it. It was the same thing she wore the day Emanie drugged her and slept with her.

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