Chapter 26

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Alexis laid in her bed facing the ceiling the next morning. It was around 8am and she barely got any sleep. She randomly woke up in the middle of the night and she couldn't stop thinking about everything. The guilt was killing her.

Then she was woken up by a reminder on her phone by 6am. It was a reminder for Noah's birthday, tomorrow. It was definitely coming up at the wrong time.

She hadn't had a lick of sleep since 6am, her eyes had been wide open and she had watched Candace walk around the room, getting ready to go to God knows where.

Around 8:15, Candace finally stepped out of the room and Alexis immediately slipped her phone out from under her pillow.

She dialled Emanie's number and he picked up at the third ring. Of course she waited for Candace to leave the room before she called him.

"Heyyy, good morning" Emanie said immediately he picked up.

"I need to talk to you" Alexis told him.

"No good morning? Ok" Emanie replied

"This is serious"

"Ok, talk"

"No, I need to see you" she told him.

"My house is just ten minutes away" He replied.

"There's no way I'm coming to your house" she said.

"Why?" He questioned. "Are you scared?" He asked. "I mean, after what happened last night, you should..." He was saying.

"Shut up!" She yelled at him and he went silent immediately. She sighed and a tear drop fell.

"So you expect me to come to school on a Sunday?" He questioned after about ten seconds of silence.

"Please" she said softly.

He sighed. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes!" She yelled back. "Everything is wrong!" She added and hot tears ran down her cheeks.

"Alexis are you ok?" He asked, he could tell from her voice that she was crying and you could tell from his voice that he was getting worried.

"No" she replied and she buried her head in her pillow.

She heard Emanie sigh again. "I can't make it to school right now, I have a lot of work to catch up on" he began. "But I have basketball practice by 4pm cuz of the big game coming up next Saturday so I guess you could come over and we can talk" he added. Alexis was still crying into her pillow, she couldn't respond. "Is that ok?" He asked.

"Yeah" she forced herself to day. "See you later" she added.

"Alexis" he called before she could hang up.


"Please stop crying" he said and she cried even more.

"Hmm mm" she replied and she hung up.


Alexis was woken up by relentless knocking on her door later that day. She barely had three hours of sleep overnight and when she could finally close her eyes again, someone was literally banging on the door.

She groaned and dragged herself off her bed, tired as hell. She finally got to the door and she carefully opened it.

Her tiredness vanished immediately she saw who was at the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, her eyes wide open.

"You said you wanted to talk" Emanie replied.

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