Chapter Eight: Hazel Smoked Mirror

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I get myself a cup of tea made while the train passes a field of red petunias with foxes playing in the flowers. It looked like they were playing a game of tag.

I noticed something peeking out from behind the tree lines wearing a red velvet top hat with a red velvet suit. It seemed the creature was a small billy goat with a white fur coat walking only on its back legs.

I watched the goat curiously for a while as they walked out into the field that foxes are playing in and started to pick flowers, putting them in what looked like a butterfly box. My attention was interrupted by the sound of boots approaching my booth.

A man walks into the room slightly annoyed. "I can't believe it, they said I'd have a first-class booth." He notices me alone in the booth and then smirks "well I mean it's not all bad." He said walking into the room and taking a seat across from me at the table.

"Names Alexander Levi," Alexander says, pouring himself a cup of tea, sneaking some whiskey into the cup of tea he poured. "Names Elizabeth, nice to meet you," I say smiling while taking a drink.

"So you're heading to Festiville as well?" Alexander asks, watching the clouds and trees pass by the window.

"Festiville? I don't believe I heard of the place. I just came from a place called Chiliville." I said, sounding a bit confused, noticing the change in Alexander's expression on his face. "What do you mean you came from Chiliville? Anyone who goes to that town or even near it. is never seen or heard from again." He says while pouring nothing but his whiskey into his cup this time. "So how did you get out of there alive in one piece?" He asks curiously before taking a drink of his whiskey. 

"I uh I don't remember..the only thing I remember is this woman with green hair and gas mask covering her mouth..and I was in this arena like room but I wasn't alone..there were others and we fought but I don't remember the rest I blacked out afterward." I try my best to remember as I explain to him what I can remember.

It took him a minute to respond to everything that I told him about "'re telling me you met psycho? As in the psycho who caused a mass murder in an entire town causing the town to go vacant?" Alex says shocked to hear that I met the infamous serial killer "Yeah I wouldn't know what to do if I was in that issue myself as well." He says joking a bit.

I stare at him confused, not understanding what was so wrong about psycho "and? What's so wrong with him? He saved me and helped me get out of that town." I snap at him "you really shouldn't go around and judge somebody just cause of some stupid rumor or story" I say as the window cracked a little after I calmed down.

Alex didn't say anything as his face went pale like he saw a ghost all he could do was point at the crack in the window "wh-what is that?" Was all he could say I glanced over and I felt my heart drop and a chill ran down my spine "it's her.." was all I heard him say in a soft low whisper before another crack in the window appeared. 

It was the girl from the mirror she was staring directly at Alexander, not taking her eyes off him. He quickly gets out of his seat stepping back and bumping into a mirror then before I knew it I saw her reach out from behind him pulling him back into the mirror along with her.

I felt something was watching me from the glass. I didn't want to turn around. I went with my instinct and quickly made a run for the door. Once I got out of the booth I noticed everything on the train wasn't the same as it was when I first got on "what's happening?" I looked around seeing there was nothing but demons eating the other passengers that were on the train.

I stepped back terrified, tripping over a passenger who tried to make a run for it but wasn't lucky enough to escape. The creatures heard me fall and stared at me for a good solid minute before going back to what they were previously doing. I quietly got up doing my best to not draw any attention. I made sure I wasn't being watched or followed as quietly I walked away.

Once I knew I was out of their line of vision I made a run for it and hid in the bathroom locking the door to the bathroom then turned on the lights only to have them start to flicker out of nowhere then all the sudden the lights stopped not turning back on by themselves I did my best to find the switch on the wall but was unable.

Then the lights flickered once more and stayed on for a good solid second revealing the girl in the mirror she stared blankly amused at me or so it seemed. She looked up at the lights making the bulb go out again as it did. It sounded like glass being shattered.

the lights came back on as the mirror was on the floor shattered. The girl was standing right in front of me holding an enclosed letter with my name written on it in cursive. "Go to the tailor shop called the Golden lady in Festiville.'' She said handing the letter over to me I nodded, "She's the town's finest tailor shop and they will be able to help with what you're looking for. Until we meet again." She says with a smile as the lights flicker again as everything went back to normal acting like nothing ever happened. I quickly tuck the letter into my pocket.

I peek my head out of the bathroom door seeing everything in the booth was back to normal as well. I let out a sigh of relief and went back to my booth where Alex was still at the table like nothing happened while drinking his whiskey tea. "Hey sorry I needed to use the ladies' room." I say with a slight laugh acting like nothing ever happened.

Alex nods with a smile and gestured to me to join him for some tea and whiskey.

We got to know each other more and made a few jokes here and there. As the train approached the stop for the town called festivelle.

I noticed that there wasn't a train station but just a sign hanging from a lamp post with the name of what the stop was called and how far it was until Festiville 'pomegranate fields one mile to Festiville.' "well looks like this is my stop." I say gathering my bag and hugging Alex before getting off the train.

Once I stepped off the train I was greeted by a familiar face. "Finally you got here. What took you so damn long?" They said sounding a bit irritated.

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