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I have started trying to make this story flow better before continuing. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get back but life happens and that is all I am going to say. I have missed writing and talking with everyone. I just hope I will still have some of my faithful readers back while gaining more.

As I review and edit I will place a bold STOP at the end of the finished chapter and then at the beginning of the next to let you know were I have finished.

Please be patient with me.



Maria P.O.V.

Hi, my name is Maria and I was human when this story started. Because my story is not your typical young love werewolf story, I thought it best to give a little history lesson on what I like to call 'the first half of my life'.

Yes, I grew up, went to college, got my degree and started working. I always wanted a family but knew that God gave me a brain and a heart for a reason, and they were not to be wasted. I also reasoned that if I had a profession and something happened after I got married and had a family- I would have something to lean on.

Little did I know that that was exactly what would happen. I got married to a wonderful Christian man when I was twenty-five, and we started a family. By the age of thirty-two, I had four children.

It's ironic now that I think back and realize our first real fight came almost one year after we got married. You see in the months leading up to the marriage, we started fighting like cats and dogs. We even broke up for a little while.

During our break-up came what I like to call 'my weekend from hell'. His sister was hospitalized and she did the company books. I had helped her set them up and knew what went where. I was asked if I would come to the office at their home after I got off from my nursing job and do accounts payable and billable. Problem was that he was there while the rest of the family was at the hospital. Talk about bad idea. Let's just say awkward is putting it mild. One of his friends was supposed to be there but he ended up canceling.


"Lewis I thought you said Michael was going to be here this weekend." I asked when he came in alone.

"Isn't he Mary's yummy brother? I was really looking forward to meeting him. Somehow we always missed each other." I couldn't help but taunt him.

Lewis' and my break-up really hurt. I did not want to be here alone with him. Lewis was my closest guy friend and maybe dating wasn't such a good idea because he knew more about me than just about anyone except for Renee and she got married last week to James ( James and Renee were my oldest and closest friends. We were all in diapers together) and with us being at odds was killing my spirit.

"Yeah Michael was Mary's twin. He was older by a few minutes" he had that glassy eyed look again. Oh crap I had reminded him of Mary. I'd better snap him out of it.

Mary was his soul mate and one of my closest friends from college. She was killed by 'wild animals' (right, that's what the world was told, but I knew the truth. She was a she-wolf and she was killed by rogues on her way to meet Lewis. I had seen all the signs. I know about werewolves because I carry the gene and if I find my soul mate I will turn into a beautiful white wolf.)

"So where is he?" I said sorta pushy just trying to get him back here instead of thinking of her.

Lewis hurt me but I loved him enough to try and get him back to the present. Her death almost killed him. I guess it was what brought us together. She was his soul mate and I haven't found mine yet. I'm running out of time finding mine or someone to marry before I'm forced to marry someone of my mother's family choosing.

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