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Please understand that I have been having internet problems. My keyboard for my Kindle came in last night and had to be charged, So here I am today setting in the parking lot at Starbucks trying to get a chapter out. If you like the story please vote leave me a note. If I know you like what you are reading then I will be more incline to make the trip into town to a hot spot. The nearest hot spot is about 18 miles one way from my house at the moment. So let me hear from you.



I am sitting in the private dinning room in David and Eve's wing with David, Eve, Bill and Von.

"So let me get this right. I am your great granddaughter." I say looking at David and Eve.

"And Bill you are Maw maw Gracie's twin brother. Von you are her baby brother and you have another in the middle. Am I correct so far?"

I look around the table to see everyone shaking their head as I hear someone come in the door.

"Your just in time son. Come and officially meet Maria. Maria this is my middle son and the one that stays so busy we never see him." Eve says as she receives a hug from the dashing young man who just came in.

"I am so pleased to finally meet you. I hope to get to spend more time with you in the near future but my duties have kept me busy of late. I have heard so many wonderful things about you from all those who have guarded you since birth. Though you did not know your Royal standing you have always and I mean always acted like the Queen your were born to be. Your acts of kindness have not gone unnoticed by those guarding you, as well as your mercy and wise judgment. When you are able to truly take your place with this family and be announced to the were world as the Royal that you are you will have the largest all volunteer guard. Everyone who has ever had the assignment to watch over you has asked for a second tour and stated reasons make me proud. So I truly look forward to getting to know you on a personal level now that you know our secret. Mom, Dad I will be away from the palace for awhile. We have a lead that I personally must check out. Bill can I have a word with you and you might want to link Michael to meet with us." He tells us but I never heard his name.

Bill leaves with this young man...well wolf and if he is the middle brother then he is old enough to be at least my dad. I still can't get use to the fact that everyone in the room with me looks to be my age but David and Eve are over 300 years old while Bill is around 100. I guess its a good thing I'm vBinot real vain because from what I have already learned I will not stop aging until I get my wolf.

"Ummm Eve If don't stop aging until I get my wolf then want I look like an old lady next to a young man?" I ask them.

"Maria Let me answer that one for you. Michael and Liam have agreed to match your aging process." Bill tells me upon entering the room again.

"Bill is everything alright?" David ask.

"Yes Dad. They have a lead on the rogues that killed Mary and he wants to personally take care of it. You know how fond he was of her. After all he did her special training. We all took her death hard but he took it the hardest." Bill tells everyone.

"Are you talking about Mary, Michael's sister and my best friend?" I ask.

"Yes dear. " David says. "Mary was actually your first primary body guard."

"Oh and here I thought she was my closest friend and well more like a sister." I say with tears in my eyes. Realizing that the one person I thought loved me... I mean ....I thought we were like to peas in a pod....I was her assignment.

David jumped up and had me in a bear hug instantly. " Sssshhhhh darlin' .... you had it right the first time. She loved you like no other and asked for that position when she was but a little girl. The day you met she came back to the castle with Bill and asked me to start her training to take over as your bodyguard. No one outside the Royal Family knew of her position. Not even her family. Mary loved you. She begged to take that position and she trained hard for it." David is holding me as I cry. Patting my and putting little kisses on my head just like a daddy would.

"Yes darling you are my little girl. I just have never been able to show you or your mother or your grandmother just how much I love you. I knew the moment I saw your mother while she was carrying you that you were the one destined to come back to us." David tells me causing me to cry that much more. Truth be told I have never really been able to grieve for Mary until now. I had to be strong for Lewis and her parents. So I cry...I finally can finally let all the tears I have let build up over the years out.

"Maria what is wrong?" Michael comes running in.

"MICHAEL STOP" Michael falls to his knees. I can hear the authority just pouring off David. "What is the meaning of your breaking in MY personal quarters?" David is yelling.

Michael is on the floor and can't even speak.

I am scared for Michael. David's rage is like nothing I have seen.

"Papa please....don't hurt him." I say as I reach up to touch his cheek.

"I am sorry I frightened you, child. You are right. He most likely felt you let go of your grief otherwise Michael would never have dared to enter in our personal area without first being asked." He coos back to me.

"Michael as you can see your mate is fine. You may get up now but be warned NO ONE and I mean NO ONE comes through those doors like that without risking their own life. Eve and I both have the power to stop your heart with just a thought. Be thankful your mate has strong instincts because if she had not reached out when she did with her entire being you we would be trying to revive you now and that is something that has never succeeded. For a couple of unmated mates your bond is strong." David says as he walks me over to Michael.

" Maria what is wrong?" Michael ask me, but my grief hits me again and all I can do is look into his eyes. Looking into his eyes I see eyes that look so much like hers. Sure they are a different color but at the same time they have the same swirling star burst. I just cry that much harder and he holds me tighter.

"Michael I think this is the first time she has let out her grief over loosing Mary as well as all the other things that has been thrown in her path." Eve tells him.

"Your Majesties with your permission I would like to take her to her room so she can rest. I feel how tired this is making her." Michael humbly ask.

"Michael take her and stay with her till she calms down. I would ask that you leave the door open until you leave the room. We can't afford to have the staff taking. Even the hand picked staff could make a careless slip so I would ask that you not be behind closed doors alone." David says as Michael picks me up bridal style and takes me to my room.

"SSSSHHHHHH its going to be alright. I got you....." He says as he takes me to my room.

Michael lays me on the bed and checks on DeNice who is still sleeping. He then comes back to me and lays next to me and just holds me as he whispers and tells me how much he loves me. He lays there just holding me as he tells me of some of the visions he has had of us together over the years. He tells me of some of his memories of him and Mary together. For the first time I see the gentle yet strong man that Mary had always told me of. I really see that he is devoted to me and I know that he really does love me. My last thought as I fall off to sleep is how sad that fate or poor judgement has caused us not to be able to be together for a long time. I pray that in the coming years we will both be able to come together like we are now and comfort each other when we need it.





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