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Meanwhile in an unknown location there is a frenzy of wolves as a dark power starts to stir.


"Why have I been awaken early? I thought you had things under control. I feel her stirring. She is awake but not out." I heard the Prince of Darkness shout. His anger is stronger than I have ever seen it.

"Sir? Who is She?" I ask with as much strength as I can, which isn't really much. There is no real wolf that scars me like this one.

"Who is She? You ask me who is she! It feels like it is one of the chosen. All of the Royal Judges are She-wolve and each has a mate that you do not want to meet." He yells and I am truly frightened, not just of what he has said but it sounds like he is unsure for the first time that his plans may not work.

Did I make a mistake? He came to me and offered me what should have been mine by birthright but was taken by another. He told me all I had to do was get rid of the baby girl, to make sure she never came into her wolf. He never told me to kill her so I just took her and put her where a human family would find her.

Years later when her true mate found her I killed him before he could claim her. Yes that was easy for me by then. I wanted what was rightfully mine. She didn't grow up in the palace. She didn't know what it meant to be royal. She didn't even know what it meant to be a werewolf. He told me all I had to do was to make sure she didn't get her wolf, so I did.

I couldn't help that Gracie's mate was my best friend. I wanted Gracie for myself and now that her true mate was dead I could have her. I just had to bide my time. After all I made his death look like an accident, but the Queen she knew something was off. I don't know what I did that caused her not to trust me anymore. I loved Eve but I wanted Gracie. She was always good to me and well Gracie looked so much like her mother. I know it was unnatural.

I knew they were building a new palace but I still didn't know where. No one did. I think that once the King David gave the order for a wolf to work there they were never seen again. William was placed in charge of the building and he was just a young pup. He would load the transport and then fly off with the new supplies and wolves. That's right we could fly back then. The rest of the world was just discovering cars but we already had the ability to fly. No matter what I did I could not find out where the new palace was. So I hid on the plane but was found shortly after taking off. I had to jump out to save my life. The landing broke most of my bones and did some major damage but the evil one spared my life.

When I was finally able to get around again the palace had been moved and so had Gracie. I never found her again.

"What are you day dreaming about? You worthless piece of ... Get out of my sight and find the girl that will turn into the judge. If you had just killed the girl I told you to get rid of this wouldn't be happening." The evil one said with discuss dripping from his voice.

"You never told me to kill her." I was quick to say.

"Of course I didn't. You already loved her. You would never have assured that she didn't meet her mate otherwise and there was no one close enough to get near her but you. I used you. You have royal blood and it will take royal blood to take down royal blood. Your blood is just as royal as the High King's. You just don't have the alpha gene. That is the reason I was able to blind you to the truth. That is the reason I could turn your love for the Queen into something other than natural. No one can stand against me but you played right into my hand. The only reason you are still alive is because of that royal blood. You are mine. Everyone thinks you are dead and if I don't secede then the judge and her executioner will rip you to shreds and send you to my kingdom anyway. If you go to them and confess it will not matter because your soul is so black there is no redeeming it. Look at your fur. It was once almost all white but now its so muddied with sin nothing can wash it clean. Hahaha. Now go and kill either the girl or her mate. Do not come back till one or better yet both are dead."


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