Chapter 2 Part 2 Sabrina and Liam Reunion

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Revised August 31, 2015



Sweetheart why are you afraid? You have never been before. I said with all the comfort I could muster.

I have been awake for over a hundred years but unable to do anything but watch. She states this in a weird sorta way, combining fact with speculation. What I have seen makes me wonder. Our big brother came to set mankind free. I am not the highest judge. He is. I can't help but wonder if we are preparing for His imminent return. There is so much that has gone through my mind while I have watched. You know as well as I do that his first visit, he came with love and forgiveness. He came to make a way for mankind to get back to Father. But when He comes again well...he comes as what he is. Lord and Master. The Final Judge. The last time we all came, you and I and our children, was just before his first visit. Since then we, as in us, you, me and all the children, have never visited at the same time.

Continuing in a speculative manner: I can't help but believe all our children are coming. Seeing you, sensing DeNice, remembering Millie was here, knowing that Terrance was supposed to be, If Father finds a way to bring back Millie and Terrance then we can be pretty sure it's the final fight.

I know she can feel me processing everything she has said. Sabrina have you sensed any other of our siblings or their children while you have been observing quietly?

I think so. I have seen what really looks like Dave and Becky's work in the Middle East, Tin and Cho's in Asia. The rest I'm not sure of. I can see her thinking of different things she has seen.

I have been here too but I haven't noticed them. Then again I've been busy.

Yeah, you have been trying to find me just not in the right place. Let's be truthful. YOU ARE NOT OBSERVANT. That is why you need Terrance. MR. ALPHA he IS YOUR Beta. Our two daughters and son along with their mates are going to have it extra hard without Terrance and Millie. Let's just hope He decides to send them back too. I sense her questioning what's going to happen.

Things have a way of working out. Dad has never let us down. I will suffer the consequences that have resulted in my lack of guidance with Michael and he will suffer the consequences he has to. He is a good man, I know this Sabrina. When you have the chance to get to know him you will really love him too.

I see her smiling very sadly. That's just it... I cannot get to know him for a long time. I already love him... but I don't know him. I do know that with him being your human half he will compliment Maria well and he is worth knowing. What happened here, Liam? Why didn't you find me this time?

I offer what I know even knowing it hurts. I try to remember. Thinking about it, I should have been more forceful with Michael. He sees. Being a sub-royal and destined to be a Royal, he has the gift of sight. His first vision was when he was seven. He saw all of us running in wolf form. He has been obsessed with your white wolf ever since. He never bothered to find out that the white she-wolf was born human and didn't change until she met her mate. I stirred him to the royal court. His mentor is Maria's great uncle. You know them. They can only answer the question asked when it comes to the royal family secrets, and you my dear are a secret. He didn't ask the right question. I can see so many times when we should have met. But, because you were human he didn't show. His thinking...well...his mate was a pure white she-wolf; pure white she-wolves have to be royal, so how can a royal be born of human parents? Michael does not have a prejudice bone in his body. It's just that he knew his mate was royal... and you were human.

The problem with seeing the future is it is so incomplete. Major details are always left out. I take it he never saw my human form. She said sadly.

I can tell she is thinking back. You do know that Mary knew who I was, right? I think she also saw that even though Lewis was her soul mate he was also the only other one who could pass the genes.

I can see that. Her gift was in seeing mates. I remember seeing Mary/Millie very clearly. How stupid I was not to see. She tried so hard to get us together. With every gift there are drawbacks. She could only confirm and direct, she could not tell. I remember her telling Michael a few weeks before she died that his stubbornness was going to get someone close to him killed. Now I know she meant herself. She had to have known. Did you know her last words were to me and she said "Promise me you will take care of Lewis, promise me?" We promised, but for the next four years we weren't there. But I know this; we will be there for the rest of his life. I tell her with much guilt.

Hey Liam. I hear that sexy change in her voice and know I am in trouble. She has sensed I am blaming myself and is trying to shift my thoughts elsewhere. That's my girl. I want her and I want her now. I am going to have to kick Michael's backside better yet I will bite his butt so hard he will not be sitting for a while without remembering what he has done and every time he tries to get out of line now he will get the same thing.

Do you remember the last time we played in wolf form?

She had better not go there. You are not going there. You just got lucky.

Hehehehe, I had you on the ground baring your neck to me? And I can't wait to do it again. I could hear the gloating.

I said NOT to go there.

But baby I want to do it again. I want to see you submitting to my strength again.

I remember it well. She is one fierce she-wolf. She is smart and strong. I think the reason I win more than she does is only because my biggest gift is in strategy but don't let that fool you she knows how to as well. We are truly equal. Once we mate, our wolves grow and we end up almost exactly the same height, weight and strength. The only thing really different is our coloring. Where she is pure white, well except when her natural crown appears... I am pure black with a matching crown. (Our crowns only appear when we are fulfilling our jobs. No one has seen my crown because we have not mated.) Where she has crystal blue eyes with a yellow pinwheel, I have emerald green with the same yellow pinwheel. She is beautiful. With all that strength and grace her beauty is a complete turn on. Hmm we never fight in wolf form that we don't ma...That little sneak.

Baby is that your way of telling me you want to mate?

All I can hear is her sexy laughter as she closes our link. I really am going to have to kick... no, BITE... Michael. All I can think about is her sexy body. I know this is mean but Michael is about to pay for keeping my mate from me tonight. One of the many gifts I have in order to fulfill my responsibilities is dream control. Michael is about to dream...big time.

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What to you think about Liam? Sabrina?

Can you see the dominance each one holds?

Can you imagine what Michael's dream will be about?

Stop...End of revision!!!!

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