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Michael's POV

I think I need to visit my mom and dad. I have really messed up and I need someone to talk with me who will love me no matter what I have done. At the moment I am hoping that is my parents. Truth is I'm not even sure of that. Why? My irresponsibility actually cost my sister her life and I'm not even sure if my parents can forgive that one. I have no idea what I am going to say to them. If I don't tell them then I know they will eventually find out but if I tell them will they hate me?

Why am I so stubborn? When will I learn? I have messed everything up and know according to Liam I have made a hard job almost impossible. Unless The Father decides to send Liam and Sabrina's betas again then we are going to have a major fight without two key players on our side.

I am not near as observant as I need to be and I am guessing neither is Liam if Terrance is his beta and that is his job. Apparently Millie is the scheduler. Her job is to see that everyone is where they are suppose to be at the right time. We are really going to need these two if we are to stand a chance against the evil one.

Dear Father,

Please forgive me. I know I am stubborn and strong willed. I know that this has cost me my sister and in doing so it has also cost my wolf his beta and best friend. I know that it has cost me my mate for now, and it has made her life much harder than it should have been and its all my fault, but thank you Father for giving me the opportunity to have her in the future and to make things as right as I can. Give me the strength to face whatever comes my way because of my bad choices. I understand that you are a loving Father but just like my dad you have to teach us so that we learn to listen. I know that in the end things will work out to give you All the Glory and Honor You deserve. I just ask that you forgive me and give me the strength to make it through my mess. I know that the consequences for my choices will be hard but with Your help I can make it through them. I am begging that you will direct my path and help me to choose the right one even if it is not the easy one. I trust You. Thank you again for Your love.


P.S. Father can you make my parents understanding.

Okay here goes nothing. Do I call them or do I just go. I know I will go see them.

Ethan's POV

Something is going on because my wolf is restless. I really need to get this pack business finished so I can work on the some of the Alpha World Council business as well. I have never known Jude to be this restless. (Jude is my wolf)

I hear a loud knocking on the front of the pack house door. I know that Dottie is in the kitchen preparing dinner for the pack house so she will get the door. I really hope it isn't anyone who needs me because I haven't been able to do much since I talked with Michael. His mate is Maria. She is a beautiful woman. I really don't understand everything that has gone on there because she is not a wolf and yet I remember his earliest visions were that of him running with his mate in wolf form. He also seem to think she was of royal blood but everyone knows that there has never been a she-wolf born to The High King or even one of his sons. There are a lot of questions with no answers.

Now my wolf is really restless as I hear the visitors coming in the pack house and I hear my mate running down the hall to my office. Yes I left the door open or I wouldn't be able to hear anything as my office is sound proof. Why is my mate running. This is just not like her.

"Honey we have guest" I hear her tell me breathless.

"Sweetie I'll be out in a few minutes. You just keep them entertained. I really need to finish this and besides they came unannounced so I don't think I have to hurry. I mean I am after all the king of this territory so unless its someone from The Royal Family they can wait." I tell her.

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