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Michael's P.O.V.

-Mom, Dad I found my mate,- I called through our link.

<Oh son I am so happy when are you bringing her to meet us? > My mom asked almost giggling.

[Son your not happy. What is wrong? You have spent years looking for her.] My dad said hearing the sorrow in my mental voice. You see my dad is the alpha of our pack and can not only hear me but sense my emotions.

<Oh no she didn't reject you? > Cried mom.

-NOOOOO!!!- Came my mental shout and then finished on a sad note -but she is married to a good Christian man.-

-Truth is he is an old friend. You know him. Mom she is married to Lewis and mom she is everything you wanted me to have. She is beautiful inside and out. Nothing fake. She loves the Lord. She is a great mom and she works in a hospital. Mom she and her husband are part of a ministry that helps young people. They have been doing that for years. In fact that is how they met.-

<You mean Maria is your mate?>My mom questioned.

[Oh son I am so sorry] I heard my dad say.

-Dad its my own fault. You know when Lewis asked me to go to Alabama with him for Thanksgiving several years ago?
Well apparently all his old friends were her new friends. That's when they met. I remember him telling me about her.
I remember how he and Mary wanted me to meet her. Oh mom Mary knew didn't she? With her gift she knew. How could I have been so stupid? She couldn't tell me but she kept pushing me to meet her. Now that I think about it I should have known my sister knew something. She always told me my mate was beautiful in everyway.
Oh God, am I the reason Mary died? She said she would do whatever it took to make sure I found my special mate.
Oh and then listening to Lewis grieve he would tell me how she was helping him accept the fact that Mary was gone. That she was this beautiful person both inside and out. I even saw this beautiful picture of her. I remember thinking I should be so lucky. She moved here for a job and they dated for two years before getting married. I don't know how many times during that time he invited me to do things with them. I even remember them breaking up and Lewis asking me to play buffer one weekend when she was helping their company out. I didn't because I was too busy trying to find my mate. Little did I know that had I help my friend I would have found what I was looking for.
I was selfish Dad.
Oh dad I think of all the times Mary asked me to stay a meet her roommate as well. How many times did I turn them down? I could have had my mate right after I was able to find her 7 years ago but instead...What have I done?
Now dad they are married and have a beautiful daughter with another on the way. They are moving back to Alabama dad. -

I know my parents can hear the tears and sadness in my mental voice as I am coming closer to them.

[Son even if they weren't moving she is married and to take another man's spouse is wrong,] my dad said.

-Dad our lifespan is long and if Lewis takes care of himself from here on out I don't see how he can live more than 25 years. He is severally overweight and a diabetic who doesn't take care of himself. His health went down with the depression he went into after Mary was killed. I think if it weren't for Maria ...well let's just say she has given him a reason to live. He has already done so much damage to his body. If I must give her up for that long because of my selfishness then so be it. You always taught me that we must face the consequence for our actions. Well if that means I have to wait on my mate while she has a life with another then I will have to face it like the one God created me to be. -

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