Ch1 Reincarnation, P1

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Chapter 1 - Reincarnation (1)

Why did it have to happen this way?

The sound of clanging steel rang out in the streets. Two women fought in a high-speed battle as the city around them burned, filling the night with an unnatural light. With every clash, a shockwave rumbled through the ruined city. One was a black-haired young woman around age eighteen, and the other a brown-haired woman in her thirties.


"Is this all Sayaka Sakaguchi is capable of?" said the younger woman as they exchanged blows.

"Please stop this!" the older woman, Sayaka, cried. "Suzuka, I don't want to hurt you!"

"Look at all I've done. Do you really think simply asking me would convince me to stop?"

How did you become like this, Suzuka?

Sayaka said nothing, responding instead with her sword. Suzuka parried attack after attack and found herself having a harder time countering as they went. Sayaka was a legend who had only ever faced defeat at the hands of one person. Sayaka was also one of Suzuka's mothers and could not bring herself to attack in any way that would cause harm. All she could do was pressure the girl in hopes she would give up, but the girl only grew more determined.

"Like the denizens of this city, you will die!" Suzuka screamed. "You, Shiori, and every other person in this world! Everyone dies!"

Sayaka only sighed as she prepared to continue her attack, a tear in each eye.

Suzuka... my daughter...

"But, since you're so insistent I'll give you one opportunity to convince me otherwise. Go on, mother, give me your argument."

Sayaka sighed again and closed her eyes as she began to gather her thoughts, a mistake that cost her dearly. The instant Sayaka closed her eyes, Suzuka teleported behind her and shoved her sword through her heart. Sayaka's eyes burst open and focused on the blade sticking out of her chest. She coughed up blood as she dropped to her knees.


Suzuka pulled her blade from Sayaka's chest and the older woman fell over. She was dead before she hit the ground. Suzuka knelt down and closed the dead woman's eyes. As she stood up, another woman appeared before her, one with the same black hair as her and around the same age as Sayaka. "You're a bit late."

The older black-haired woman looked at Sayaka for a moment, then at Suzuka. A great sadness welled up in her chest as she faced her daughter. "Aside us, there are no living beings in the entire city or the surrounding area."

"And soon, that number will drop to one!" Suzuka rushed at the black-haired woman, but her attack was useless. The older woman caught Suzuka's sword with her bare hand and crushed it effortlessly.

"You've been given chance after chance," the older woman said, her tone neither cold nor angry. "Suzuka, why? After all my patience, after all the protection I've given you... why is this city in ruins, why are the people dead, and why is Sayaka dead?"

The girl laughed. "You care about all of those things and claim to have protected me... but what was I being protected from? On this entire planet, only my parents were capable of hurting me, be it physical or mental. You may not have done the former, but what of the latter?" She laughed again. "I suppose I'll answer your questions before I do to you what I did to her. This city and the people suffer now because I've suffered for years. You stand for the people, but you did not stand for your daughter. I grew up resenting these people. I wanted your attention, too. I wanted her attention. You rarely spoke to me or even looked at me. You spent all your time improving the world. But for what end? And don't say it was for me!"

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