Ch12: Radiance, P4

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Chapter 12: Radiance, P4~12.4~*****

With Alfia's warning given, Eve returned to the platform. As she was preparing to take everyone back to the world, Kye said something that caused her to pause.

"Thank you for your offer." She looked away as she spoke. "Your assistance would make things much easier, and I am happy to know you want to help, but I will not take shortcuts."

Eve nodded and returned everyone to the world, then unfroze it. As soon as the world was free to move again, Alaira asked, "Hey, Kye, how much power did you put into that blast earlier? The one you split the sea with all the way out to the barrier mountains." She leisurely pointed out at sea with her thumb at the mountains several miles out at sea that formed a barrier around the bay.

"You ask that as if you believe I can tell you an exact number," Kye replied after taking a bite of steak.

Alaira chuckled. "In fact, I imagine you can more accurately determine that than even the highest grade mana readers."

Kye smirked. "You're not wrong." She giggled and drew the number in the air with light mana.

"Ninety-five billion? Holy..."

She pondered the possibilities. "I think at maximum... if I repeated what I did in January... I could peak at about... another thousand fold over that. Ninety-five trillion."

Even the elder royals stopped in their tracks. Food slipped from their utensils and fell back onto their plates. Alexandra was shocked enough to ask, "I'm sorry, did you say ninety-five trillion?"

Kye shrugged. "I could safely do a few bursts at that level without harming myself. I could possibly do a single burst about two and a half times higher. More would be like a bodybuilder doing too many reps. It'd cause harm to my body and rather quickly."

"Never mind your body, would you not run out of mana doing that a few times?" Alaira said. "I don't think I have enough mana to do a single attack at that level even if I could expel it all at once."

Kye shook her head. "No. I have more mana than Allison. If I could do so without any backlash, I could fire off thousands of those blasts and not need to worry about running out."

Michelle smirked. That's putting it lightly.

"What sort of training have you gone through to get to that point?" Alexandra asked. "It's one thing to be born with such a miraculous store of mana, but you can also wield it like no other. At your best, I would have trouble fending you off, and that's if I use divine mana, which isn't exactly safe. And you can wield it safely."

"Wait, those numbers are with divine mana?" Rika asked. "The hell?"

Kye shrugged. "Well, I do have one thing I'm planning to start introducing it to all the royals, and my classes at the academy if I am made an instructor." She had everyone's attention. She smiled and continued, "I've been doing this since I was very young."

She explained that her method was using multiple spells layered upon herself. One was a gravity spell. She had to constantly use mana to counter the effect to walk and move normally without boring her feet into the ground from the extra weight, as well as keep her body from being damaged throughout the process.

"It's basically magical weight training that relies on ridiculously precise mana control. Alethea, Liliana, Aliana, and I have been running it virtually nonstop for over ten years."

"What are your results so far?" Ginchiyo asked. "You said you could execute bursts in the trillions, but what of your normal limit?"

"Well, in January I clocked in at 27.5M. Right now, I'm at 95m."

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