Ch11: Honeymoon, P2

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Chapter 11: Honeymoon (2)

Allison was waiting for them at the entrance. She pulled Kye, Alethea, Adele, and Michelle aside to have a quick chat. She reviewed the incident at the emergency council meeting where Kye almost recovered Elysia's memories. "Kye, you cannot remember the name Alfia uttered, but since that name will be in your sealed memories, I see no reason to keep it from you. Alethea overheard it already, and I know Adele and Michelle will know the name."

"Very well," Kye said, her eyes narrowed. "What is it?"

"I am similar to you, but different. I am not one of the ninety-nine, but I am originally from Athas. Layla and James do not know this, nor does anyone else outside of you lot and Atalante. There are many things that I believe you should know, regardless of your sealed memories, but for now, I see no reason to bog you down with heavy information. My name in Athas was Seris."

Alethea grimaced. "So I heard Alfia correctly." Adele and Michelle were shocked into silence. "How are you here?"

"In short, I am not the same sort of reincarnation that you lot are. I have not experienced tens of millions of lives. I know I have a handful of past lives, but I know neither how many nor do I have memories of them. My reincarnation is more akin to that of mortals. I just so happen to remember my original self."

"I see."

"We can discuss this more another time, if you wish, but for now, I wanted you to know at least that much."

Kye's eyes narrowed. "Do you know what I was back then?"

Allison nodded. "I do."

"Did you know me?"

"Yes. Personally."

"What were you to me?"

Allison smiled, a rare sight. "Something not unlike what I am to you here. Now go. Enjoy your honeymoon. We'll talk more when you return. Go have a good time." Allison left them and went through the gate to Alcanus.

Kye sighed and turned to her spouses. "Who was Seris?"

"She meant it literally," Adele said. "She was our teacher."

"But we should probably not speak much about it," Michelle added. "Lest your seal be weakened."

Kye sighed again. "Yeah."

They rejoined the rest of the group, then went through the unmarked gateway after the coordinates were set for Atlas.


"Ah, how nice of you all to visit," said a purple-haired and purple-eyed woman, meeting them on the other side. She wore a form-fitting black suit and had her long hair tied into a low ponytail aside from her bangs. "Astarte, Astraia, Alexandra, and Ginchiyo, how have you been? It's been a while!" She glanced back and forth at Kye as she spoke.

"Indeed, it has," Astarte said. "The four of us are traveling with these young ladies as guards."

"Oh my. What could have happened for them to need guards of your caliber?"

"We'll talk about that later."

"Okay! Don't forget or I'll get angry!"

Astarte fake smiled. "Right..."

The woman shifted around behind the four guards to get a better look at the teenagers behind them. "Ah, yes. I have been looking forward to this day for YEARS." She took Kye by surprise and put Liliana and Aliana on guard. She smirked and said, "Oh, girls, you can forget that. You have no chance of beating me! Besides, your four adult guards here can handle that sort of thing. You're just children, you should relax and have fun!"

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