Ch11: Honeymoon, P9

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Chapter 11: Honeymoon (9)

"Goddess of Light, Kye Akari, at your service!" May as well use my stupid title in my favor. This should really get them.

The boys' eyes suddenly darted around, quickly finding the person they were most dreading to see. Hannah emerged from the crowd behind Kye and Alethea with the evilest smile anyone had ever seen. They immediately tried to run.

"<<True binding>>." Kye wrapped both of them in chains of light.

"So, here we are," Hannah said as she approached. "Once again, my idiot grandsons are promising rewards for people, giving them false hope by holding back so much that you just barely beat the challengers. How did you like your cousin's performance? You should take note, boys. That is how a proper royal performs. So, now that somebody has beaten you, I believe it's time to pay up. And wouldn't you know there are a lot of mouths to feed! Come now, boys, time to make good on your promise!"

"B-b-but, Hannah, we're-"

"Uh, huh? But?"

"We don't have that much contribution! We can't feed so many!"

"Then you'll have to work! And I know just what you could do!"

"Oh my, they're royals and they have little contribution?" "How shameful!" "They're nothing but showoffs!" "They're giving royals a bad name!" The crowd quickly turned on the shameless brothers.

Kye and Alethea joined Hannah with their own evil smiles.

"I have an idea," Kye said. "Hannah, what do you think of-" She leaned in and whispered in the elder royal's ear.

"Oh, that's evil," Hannah replied with a grin. "I like it. Do it."

Kye quickly drew a circle of mana in the air.

"What's that for?" Johnathan asked.

The circle solidified and showed the inside of a room in the resort. Specifically, the room where Allison was staying while taking care of Kaede. She didn't as much as look up from her book. She merely made a gesture with her finger, saying to come in.

"Your punishment," Kye answered and shoved them inside before closing the portal.


After claiming victory over Johnathan and Joseph, Kye's group rejoined the others, and everyone went to the resort branded shack for lunch.

"Mmm, what shall I have?" Kye pondered aloud.

"Oh, Shi-chan, we should get some barbeque!"

"And ice cream!"

Alethea and Michelle had stars in their eyes. Adele and Kye exchanged amused glances.

After they ordered, they started looking for seats. Kye noticed three women wearing sunglasses sitting in the corner, two with their backs to them, and each wearing a different swimsuit. One had purple hair and wore a black bikini and a white button-up shirt over it. Another had white hair tied into a ponytail and wore a white set with no shirt. The one facing them had purple hair and wore the same outfit as the first, except her shirt was buttoned once under her breasts. The one facing them looked up and met Kye's eyes. The blonde smiled and waved at her, and the woman pulled her glasses off and smiled. Kye froze, her eyes widened.

What the hell?

"Shi-chan? What's up?" Kye didn't respond. She was like a statue, her eyes locked on the mystery woman. The other one turned around to see.

What are they doing here?!

"Shi-chan?" Alethea followed Kye's line of sight and froze the instant she laid eyes upon the woman. The others soon began to notice. Michelle raised an eyebrow and walked over to greet them.

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