Ch12: Radiance, P1

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Chapter 12: Radiance (1)

"So, Evelyn, enjoying a vacation?" Hannah asked.

"Yes. The Atlas World Resort is wonderful. You've made this place into quite a paradise!"

Kye and company sat near Evelyn after they ordered their food. They were waiting for their order number to be called while chatting it up. Johnathan and Joseph returned, since Allison was done with them. They quietly ordered and sat at a nearby table.

She almost never shows up in a world unless it's bad news. Kye was nervous in front of Evelyn.

What did we even do? Alethea did everything she could to avoid looking at Evelyn.

"You know I can hear you, right?" Evelyn smiled at the two as she continued her conversation with Hannah and the others while starting another conversation with Kye and Alethea telepathically.

"So, why are you here?" Kye asked.

"I don't have any company left. Azalea, Kaede, Ariel, Adriel, and Anna are in this world now, and I didn't want to stay by myself." She shot them a smile in the middle of her other conversation. "Actually, that's just an excuse. I've had an identity in this world for quite some time."

"Uh, huh? So, why was Maya born a boy? That's awful."

"I didn't decide that. That's just how it worked out."

"I don't like that answer."

"I'm sorry, Elysia, but that's the truth. It wasn't planned, it was just how things worked out. Same as with Adele."

"Well, fine. So, who are you in this world, exactly?"

"Evelyn Barrett, mother of Magic King Edward."

"Ah, you're that Evelyn. So, we're relatives. If you're Edward's mother, why aren't you considered a founder? I'm aware of all nine founders and every royal and noble from that time."

"Just look through Astraia's memories. You'll find the answer."


An image came forth in Kye's mind of Edward kneeling before Atalante, asking to bring his family to Atlantis in 2024 out of fear for their safety on the planet's surface. "Please, allow my mother and my son's family to join us here in Atlantis. They will not serve as a distraction. In fact, I would say I am more distracted now worrying about their safety."

"Sister, perhaps we should," said Astraia. "All nine Paragon members are invaluable. We should help them."

"I agree, sister," said Astarte. "Mental health is as important as physical health. They'll suffer if we leave their families on the surface."

"Indeed," said Atalante. "Very well. Edward, we will bring all surviving members of your and your colleagues' families to Atlantis."

Kye opened her eyes after watching the memory. She hadn't peered into Astraia's soul much yet and was hesitant to do so. Astraia gave her a sympathetic smile after she opened her eyes. The soul-bond was a two-way street. Either party could tell when the other looked.

"I see."

"Elysia, you should talk to Astraia more. She's a very kind woman and cares greatly about you and Maya, and not because of your power. She cares for you because she sympathizes with your experiences. She knows tragedy. Those sisters have lived longer than anyone else in this world and have seen both a natural and a man-made extinction level event. Maya, Astarte is no different. And don't leave Atalante out!"

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