Ch6 The Royal Council, P5

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Chapter 6: The Royal Council (5)

At first, she felt nothing, but soon Kye felt her heart beating. It was fast. She opened her eyes and found herself in an unusual place. The sky was reddish orange from sunset, and the ground was bathed in blood. As she looked around, she noticed red hair hanging in front of her eyes.


She looked around more and found too much familiarity. Dead bodies were all around her. She recognized a few right away. One was black-haired.


The next she recognized belonged to Liliana. The one after was Aliana.

They're different... identical to...

Kye summoned a ball of water and morphed it into a flat surface to act as a mirror.

Catherine Lancet. So then, I'm dreaming.

She scanned the surroundings in a particular direction and found what she was looking for: a lone man with a simple longsword. The man wore a uniform befitting a general of an imperial or royal army. He had short black hair, red eyes, and was stained with blood.

Kye began walking toward the man. Knowing she was in a dream, and clearly remembering the limits of her body when she was Catherine Lancet, she brandished her aether and readied to fight her target. The difference was incredible. She wielded more aether unassisted than she did in the recent battle over Arslade. In that life, she only had knowledge of the sword and mana. She knew little magic and didn't know of Drive skills.

"So, you are still able to fight, then?" the man said. "Come then, Commander Lancet. You are the last man standing. With your death, my liege claims victory."

"Heh," she mumbled. She activated Aether Drive and pooled aether into her blade. The man froze in fear at Catherine's enormous burst of power. "You already took everything away from me. I have no interest in repeating this scene any further. Enough of you." Her aether shined silvery white with a black glow. "<<Null Causality>>." She brought her sword down and unleashed a wave of black coated silvery white aether at the man. He tried to block, but the wave of aether engulfed him completely.

Nothing was left of him.

Hmph. How easily I could have saved this world. I shouldn't beat myself up over it, but it pains me to know how much of a difference my experience makes. Catherine Lancet struggled against that man and only won with Origin Overload, though she didn't know it had a name. She casted it on instinct, somehow knowing it would work. Yet, with my experience, I could wield the power she possessed much better. Mortal bodies cannot use Origin Magic and survive, but since this is a dream, there are no consequences. Null Causality is one of my Origin spells.

She chuckled as she looked up at the dark sky. The sun had faded beyond the horizon, though some remnant of light persisted.

If Kye Akari were to use Null Causality, she likely could best any foe in the Ten Realms. Heh. That'd be too easy, wouldn't it?

She shook her head. She had never taught anyone Origin Magic, but with the memories of her first life shrouded in mystery, she could not know if anyone from that life could use it.

As Shiori Sakaguchi, when I was faced with the death of Sayaka and madness of Suzuka, I was so distraught that I casted Reorigination. I had already recovered my memories by that point. It's very rare for an immortal to regain oneself within a mortal life. I very much enjoyed that life. I miss my daughter so much. Reorigination erases and remakes the very world. That world was forfeit to me at that point.

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