Ch6 The Royal Council, P4

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Chapter 6: The Royal Council (4)

"Are there any other questions about these skills or anything else involving us?"

"I'd like to talk about your reincarnation," King Zen said. "It was clear to us right from the start that you were special. You were much more active as a newborn than other children, and your white aether manifested when you were kidnapped."

"Yes, I came into this world conscious right from the start." She recalled the party and the kidnapping and described them from her perspective. "That pot was hot..." She shook her head. "Do you recall mother telling you I could understand her when she returned to the palace with me after that incident?"

"I do, yes. Beginning training so early and how rapidly you improved is due to the knowledge you've obtained over your many past lives? And your spells?"

She nodded.

"I'm honestly not sure how to take this, but I'm convinced it's true. It explains everything." The Light King paused for a moment, then stood up and walked over to Kye. She gave him a puzzled look. "I want you to know that this changes nothing between us."

Kye flashed back to when she told her guardians and covered her mouth to keep from gasping out loud. They had said the same thing to her.

"You may have been many other people over your... existence? But, right now and forever, even if you die here and become someone else... you are and will always be my daughter. But I would prefer you don't do the latter. You should stay here with us." He motioned for her to stand up and he pulled her into a warm hug. "I love you, Kye. I love you no differently than I love your brother and sister." His expression warped from a warm smile to confusion. "Though I think we need to have a longer, private conversation about your relationship." He glanced at Alethea. "I don't disapprove, I've been supportive since it started ten years ago, but your guardians need to figure some things out, considering that both of you are heirs."

"I agree," Atalante said with a nod. Layla nodded as well.

"But for now, we should return to the topic at hand," Zen said before returning to his seat.

"That was very warming," Alexandra said. "But yes, we should return to the discussion. Before we called you here, I described you to be an anomaly. Little did I know even that wasn't sufficient."

"My apologies."

"No need to apologize for being special. Now that we know what you are and how you are so phenomenal..." she paused a moment, trying to find the right words. "Are you willing to share your knowledge for the betterment of our world?"

If only they knew.

"Have I not been doing that all along?"

"She has done quite a bit," Edward interjected.

Aethersteel was too advanced for most. It's extremely hard to produce due to how difficult aether is to control. Even Allison was just barely able to do it and Astarte hasn't finished enchanting enough of it to create anything. "Aethersteel is a world-changing concept, but it's too difficult for all but a select few."

Several people echoed the sentiment, claiming that Kye's invention is too outlandish, and some pointed out that her spells do not have incantations.

"What? Just make up an incantation. It doesn't matter what you say."

"Excuse me?" said Apollyon. "It doesn't matter?"

"The incantation is nothing more than an aid to cast the spell."

"What? Of course, it's not. The incantation is a necessary-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop right there. You are putting far too much emphasis and reliance on the incantation. Incantations are just an aid. They aren't actually part of the spell. Even speaking the spell name is the same."

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