Ch11: Honeymoon, P3

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Chapter 11: Honeymoon (3)

It didn't take long to get settled in. Our room has an ocean view. It's quite nice. We ended up deciding not to bother with the hot spring tonight and stayed in to just enjoy each other's company. I had to basically order Liliana and Aliana to stay in another room. The difficult conversation I needed to have with Alethea needed to be just the four of us, without any guards, attendants, or the clearly conscious baby Kaede.

Kye was leaning over the balcony rail in a bra, panties, and unbuttoned shirt, gazing out at the sea. Alethea and Adele were asleep inside. Michelle was sitting at a table just inside, in the same attire as Kye.

The conversation wasn't as difficult as I expected. Once we were alone, she broached the subject herself. She was scared, but she said if she didn't do it herself that she'd regret it forever. We had to use medicine to make it possible. She's been on hormone treatment for years now, and that's questionable in and of itself at our age in most worlds, but this world is much more advanced than most. Hormone treatment made certain things difficult. But... we succeeded. I just hope she'll be okay. It'd be impossible for most couples to tell they conceived, but with my ability to sense mana and see souls so thoroughly... I can tell even now. There are two more unique mana signatures beginning to manifest within me. Heh. We're having twins. The biology hasn't even happened yet, and thanks to how strong this world is with mana, I can already sense the children's mana forming. What a marvel! I've never been able to sense it before.

She glanced back in just in time to see Michelle stand up. "Hey."


The redhead joined her on the balcony and leaned over the railing. "I see you succeeded." She turned her head so that Kye could see her glowing eyes.

"Yeah." Kye looked inside again, this time at the two sleeping on the bed. Alethea was sleeping on her side, her bare back on display. Adele was lying on her back, sprawled out like a starfish. The blonde giggled.

"Heh. Cute aren't they?" Michelle said. Rather than smiling, she was scowling. "I hate this for them."

Kye knew what she meant. "Yeah."

"I'm grateful that we are able to have our own biological children... without seeking help from a third party." The redhead shook her head. "I don't want to see them in pain like that again. The looks on their faces were so mixed. I know they didn't enjoy it, and I feel ashamed that I did, knowing that."

Kye pulled Michelle into a warm embrace. "No. Don't think that way. It would only ease their burden if you told them you enjoyed yourself. Our happiness is their happiness, too."

A tear rolled down the redhead's cheek. "Yeah."

Kye then placed a hand on Michelle's bare stomach. "By the way."

The girl's face reddened. "Wait."

Kye smiled. "It seems both of us managed. And, oh my. There are three."

"Three?!" Michelle ran her hand across her belly. "Really?"

Kye smiled and led Michelle inside. She shed her shirt and pulled Michelle's shirt off of her as well. The two ended up cuddled in bed between their other two lovers.


Kye was the first to wake the next morning. Alethea slowly came to when Kye sat up.

"Mmm mm umm mmm mah." Kye looked down and saw Alethea stretching, eyes closed. Kye took advantage of her partner's moment of weakness, leaned in, and stole a kiss. Alethea was instantly awake. Her eyes shot open. "Kye!"

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