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And again, I woke up in a dark room but the scents of lavender was no where to be found this time. I was restraints to the bed, all I can see was light coming from the crack under the door.

I tried to regain my thoughts and all I was left with is nothing. I have no idea where I am and how on earth I got tied up in here on this shitty bed.

Suddenly, I heard keys opening the door and the door was swung open, a woman dressed as a nun walking towards me.

"Ms Y/L/N I'm sister Mary, sister Jude need you in her office now" she doesn't even dare to look at my face while speaking and started to untied me.

I walked with her to meet sister Jade or Jane whatever her name was.

Finally we were standing in front a huge door painted with black paint all over, "I'll leave you to it", she said before she leave me.

I knocked on the door then open it, a woman dressed as a nun again was sitting behind the desk signing some paper. She look over to me "I'm sister Jude and you must be Ms Y/L/N" she said with her stern voice, "yes, ma'am that's me" you took a seat on a chair in front of the desk. "Stand back up" she hissed and I did as she said.

"you only sit when I said so" she stared at me and I stared right back at her.

"yes ma'am" you nodded trying to look like you've always been a good girl who's always obey each rule the world provide.

"good, now you can sit" she motion her hand to the chair.

"So, Ms Y/L/N Welcome to Briarcliff" she forced a smile,

"a what?" you raised an eyebrow,

"An insane asylum for god's sake" she raised her voice a little,

"what?" you tried to understand the situation, since you always tell yourself that you are not crazy and now what the hell are you doing in a place like this. [you thought]

"you heard me, since your sister had signed the paper that says you are going to spend as long as it take in here, until you're fully cured" she smile, again.

sister? when did I have a sister [you thought]

"sister? you said" you furrowed your eyebrows, she stayed silents

"I don't have any sister or even a family" you looked at her,

"well Ms Y/L/N you're ill so you will have to stay in here for a long while" she wrote something on a tiny piece of paper and told you to go and find room 13 at the end of the hall, says that someone will be waiting to talk to me.

I took the paper and left the room, finally I stood in front of a huge oak door which have number 13 on it.

I knocked and heard a soft voice coming from behind this thick door, "please come in"

I went inside and a woman with wavy auburn hair falls below her shoulders, her chocolate brown eyes stared right into mines, she was wearing a lab coat she looks like she in her 40s.

She was effortlessly beautiful.

You walked over to her desk and handed her the tiny paper sister Jude gave you, "Oh so you're the famous Y/N everyone have been talking about this morning" the way she says your name was so addicting, you just smiled at her.

"I'm Dr. Sherman and I'm a psychiatrist" she motioned her hand for you to take a seat,

"I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N" you said staring the her beautiful face,

she was breathtaking, one look is all it takes for me to smile like a total idiot.

| MY WAY | Diane Sherman Where stories live. Discover now