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one stab, two stab, three stab..... 89 stab, "DON'T EVER TALK TO ME THAT WAY EVER AGAIN!!!!"

"BURN IN HELL YOU BITCH" she screamed at me,

"Please stop stop please!!!", I screamed.

"Baby wake up wake up, it's just a nightmare" a woman woke me up, I sat up trying to caught my breathe, I looked at my mom sitting beside to me "STAY AWAY FROM ME WHERE IS MY MOMMY?"

"Y/N! IT'S ME"

I jumped off THE bed and ran down stairs shouting Diane's name,

"DIANE, DIANE DIANE WHERE ARE YOU DIANE" I opened the front door,

I run and run, deeper and deeper into the dark woods, the woman who looks exactly like my mother kept following me, I shouted begging for helps "y/n stop running sweetheart" a voice heard from behind me, I turned around and saw a dark shadow person holding Diane's dead body.

I started sobbing loudly, "Where- what did you do to her?" "what-" I stuttered seeing her blood dripping down onto the ground.

"Join us" the shadow man said coming closer to me, "GO AWAY!!!" I screamed until the last drop of air escaped my body.

[Time Skip]

I woke up on a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean, little dust particles floating in the air being illuminated by the candles light around me, "DIANE?" I looked around me,

no one,

no shore to be found,


I'm lost in a sea of murk,

The endless of nothingness,

"follow my voice, sweetheart come to me come back to me..." I heard Diane. Diane, she's calling for me.

Suddenly, I felt a burned on my left hand I sat up looking around and saw Diane. She looked at me with wide eyes "OH MY..." she threw her whole weight onto, "I thought you left me" she sobbed, I touched her face just to make sure she's real "Am I really here?" I asked looking deep into her chocolate brown eyes, "yes, you are here you are safe" Diane smiled,

"what time is it?" I whispered looking out the window,

"show time" I turned back to see Diane's headless body laying on the bed and the shadow man again appeared next to the bed,

"STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled at the shadow man, "JOIN ME!!!" he groaned I closed my eyes,

"Y/N, Y/N baby it's me" "Look at me honey I'm here" Diane make me open my eyes and I look around,

there was nothing, no shadow man, no death just my beloved Diane, "I'm sorry" I said to her, "don't be sorry for things you can't control" she took me in her arms, I looked at the clock hanging beside the closet and it showed [5:46am]

Diane told me to go back to sleep but I can't, I'm scared what if I go to sleep and never wake up to her pretty face again. I started crying like a small child in need for a mother's love. Diane told me that she will protect me from all the evil things out there.

"evil things out there,

not the evils in us"

| MY WAY | Diane Sherman Where stories live. Discover now