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I've been talking with Dr. Sherman for 2 hours now, she seems to know me very well and so understanding.

I told her about my obsession with older woman and she was really supportive, she told me that there is nothing to be ashamed about and that I can talk to her about anything I want.

I even told her about my situation and my past episodes:

_I remembered that one time, I thought my dad was a serial killer and everything was so messed up. I was in a hospital and my dad visited me, I yelled at him.

_And the other time, I played hide and seek alone on a street in New Orleans.

_Another time, I was talking to a literal wall.

_Thought a person on a TV Show was talking to me.

_Every objects in my house can talk.

_Thought I was being filmed 24/7.

_Thought I have a twin sister but she's dead and my parent are trying to keep it as a secret from me.

_Thought I was a witch and have these superpowers to control the weather and move objects with my mind.

_Thought there was another me on the other side of the mirror and the me in the mirror is not my reflection.

_Told my chemistry teacher I can't get wet for the reason that I'm a mermaid.

_Thought I was possessed by demons.

_hears strange voice while taking a shower.

_Thought I'm special.

_Thought I'm the most attractive person alive on earth, but people can't see it due to their blindness.

_Thought my life was just an experiment.

_I have a hidden talent which no even me myself know what.

_I have an imaginary friend since I was young and she is still here.

_Though a ghost have a crush on me.

_No one love me.

_People are not real, they are just robots.

_Life is not real.

_Thought I can levitate.

_Tried drinking orange juice using my eyes.

_Tried moving a stone with my mind.

_Thought If I change my diet to fish food I won't gain weight.

_I'm the celebrity to others celebrity.

_Everyone worship me.

_Thought my imaginary girlfriend was sleeping next to me.

_Thought everyone want me dead, everyone tried to murder me.

After all this I realized that I kept on saying the word "Thought", what if it not just a thought, what if this is real, I knew it IT IS REAL.

"Y/N?" Dr. Sherman doesn't seem shocked with any of my episodes, but she did found it interesting.


"Trust me I understand everything and I swear I can cure you if you just let me" she grabbed my hand in hers,

"Doctor, I've been this way. There is no cure"

"Believe me, there is cure and you will be cured by me and only me" she said the last part in a lower tone, I just sat there playing with my fingers.

"So Y/N I believe our session is done for today, we can meet again tomorrow same time" she prescribe me with some medication and told me when to use it.

"Nice talking to you Dr. Sherman"

"Diane, you can call me Diane when we're alone"

"So see you tomorrow then, Diane" I playfully blow her a kiss making her laugh

"See you tomorrow Y/N and it's nice talking to you too" she winked at me making the moths in my stomach eager to escape.

{If I can't cure you, no one can}

| MY WAY | Diane Sherman Where stories live. Discover now