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8:32am in the morning. The sun shine through the curtain causing me to open my eyes, I rolled over to see that Diane is no where to be found and I can smell the food from downstairs.

I sat up and saw a glass of water on the nightstand with a note under it "drink this, it's good for you -Diane x."

I drank it and got out off bed, before I left the room I stood there admire the bed, it was messing after last night events. A event of hot, steamy sex.

I walked down to the kitchen and saw Diane making our breakfast, "You're awake" She turned, smirked at me and back to her cooking.

"about last night..." I started, "what about it?" she asked flipping over the egg as she did to me last night. "you told me you love me" I murmurs, "yes I did" she placed the egg and bacons on a plate then brought it to me, "I love you, Diane" I grabbed her hand and kissed it, she lower self to face me and saw that some of my hair was getting in the way of my eyes, she instinctively tucked the strands of hair behind my ear, "I love you too, baby" she kissed my head and went to her seat.

We talked about almost everything while eating, as we finished Diane told me that we're going to town today so I should go and get ready. I wasn't sure how to feel about it, I mean I haven't been in town since I quit school.

I went to get ready, took a quick shower, put on a white hoodie and a gray sweatpants. I applied some lip gloss that I borrow from Diane and put on some mascara. My cheeks always have these natural blush, that I born with it.

I went back down stairs, Diane was wearing a blue mom jeans and a brown sweatshirt. "you looks nice mommy" I kissed her and open the door, "so do you" she smiled and grabbed her car keys then we got in.

Diane drove us into town and we arrived at this store, she told me to wait for her in the car so I did. She walked in, 10 minutes passed by Diane still haven't come out yet. I started to lost my patience and get out the car into the store.

I walked in and a group of teenage boys about 5 of them came up to me, "Hey pretty, where are you going?" one of them asked touching my hair, I tried to look around for Diane but couldn't find her.

"You deaf??? she's deaf" the other boy said and they all laugh, I stared at them with no emotion on my face,

"come on baby, let us makes you feel good" the tall one grabbed on my arm and pulled me into him, I tried to get off him but he's too strong.

I shouted for helps, Diane heard me and she came running to me, "GET OFF MY DAUGHTER, YOU ASSHOES" She said pulling me into her embrace. Those teenage boys ran off and she asked me why did I got out. I told her I was worried that something might had happened to her so I came and find her.

"I'm fine sweetheart, I was waiting for my orders since today it's your 18th birthday I got you a cake" she smiled and showed me the cake she bought. "I don't even remember my birthday because no one ever celebrate it for me" I looked into the box, "it's so pretty thank you so much" I hugged her, "you're welcome sweetie now come on get back in the car" we walked back to the car.

Diane started to drove off, "you called me daughter" I giggled she tried not to laugh, "you're so sweet, you know that god I love you so much" she took a chocolate bar she brought from the store and handed it to me, "here's your reward for being such a good girl for mommy last night" I took it and thanks her. "I'll aways be a good girl for you mommy" I said shyly not looking at her.

Before we are heading back home, Diane told me she need to get something from the other store real quick, "What is it?" I asked looking at the store, but I couldn't see what they are selling inside, "new toys" she blushed and got out the car.

10 minutes laters, she back with 3 bags she placed it at the back of the car and came in the driver seat "new toys?" smirked knowing damn well what it is, "mhmm" she gave a winked and continued to drive home.

| MY WAY | Diane Sherman Where stories live. Discover now