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"that's a lot" I turned to look at Diane standing beside the bed admiring her works, "are you still sleepy?" She asked seductively, "fully awake and good shape" you walked closer to take a close look at her new collection. Her new toys.

Purple Vibrator, red dildo, lube, new purple strap (16inches), hand cuffs, rope, eyepatch, gag ball, wand.
"Kinky, I like it" I took wand and pointed it at her "bibbidi  bobbidi  boo!" She came closer "oh sweetheart I'll bibbidi bobbidi boo my baby until she can't walk tomorrow" "now get undressed and wait for mommy on the bed"

I am so excited what ever coming for me, If death come for me today I'm ready.

I took my clothes off throw it across the room, jumped onto the bed wait for mommy to come and fuck the shit out of me.

Mommy's back in her new red lingerie she smirked seeing me all exposed to the cold atmosphere in the room waiting for her to fuck me.

As she walk closer and closer to the bed, My legs spreads further and further for her, she went on the bed. She doesn't give me time to say anything, her fingers part my soaking slit and she starts using her tongue to work on my vajayjay earned a soft moan from me "mmmhmm", "so good keep going mommy" I grabbed on her hair and she stopped I whined.

She placed her hand on my pussy, as my clit throbs against the heat, "stop teasing please..." I begged "oh I'll fuck you how ever I please" she whispered and bite my earlobe, she thrust 3 fingers in you and said "happy birthday my love" causing you to moan her name "ahhh- DIANE" she keep wishing me happy birthday while thrusting faster and faster until I started tightening around her finger and cum on it, she slow down her action. "oh god that's was fantastic" I opened my eyes and looked at her "I'm not done yet" she said placing the tip of the 16 inches strap on my entrance, "this gonna hurts baby but tell me if you want me to stop" she started to with 3inches "oh oh fuck.. too big ahh" you grabbed onto her shoulders as she continue to sink it in, 6inches in and I'm screaming her name "can you take it?" She strokes my hair wiping off the sweat building on my forehead, "yes...ahhhhh yes" you nodded biting on your bottom lip, "more more mommy FUCK MOREEE PLEASE" I moaned, she sink it full length into me and choke me but not to hard, "harder harder oh FUCK FUCK ahhh" "as you wish birthday girl" she thrust harder and the headboard starts hitting the wall, "OH FUCK I'm GONNA di- DIE FUCKKK FASTER MOMMY" I grabbed one of my boob hard and the other one circling my harden bud, she saw it and stop "don't you dare touch your self" she pulled the strap out and flipped me over on all four, she hold onto my waist and without warning she thrust the whole length into me hitting my A spots warning a loud screamed from me "FUCK" "be a good girl for mommy" she slams herself into my vajayjay almost torn me apart, "just like that mommy" I moaned louder, "you're doing good baby" she praised.

I moaned her name louder and louder, "oh you like that, you slut" she can feel I'm tightening around her "cum for me whore" my mouth formed a litter O and my head throw back she grabbed hair backwards making me looks like a total slut. i thought she was going to stop but I was wrong.

She used the handcuff on me and attached it to the bed, "Mommy?" "What?" She voice was stern, "are you going to continue?" I asked looking at her action "do I look like I'm done? Now stop asking and be quite" she took the gag ball put it in my mouth, she then place the vibration on my sensitive clit, i moaned through the ball she slapped my cheek not too hard "mmmmmm mmm" she massaging my nipple with her free hand, my third high approached me, I was shaking uncontrollably, my breath start to shorten, my eyes was at the back of my brain.

Diane took the gag ball throw it across the room, "honey? Honey are you-" she undid my handcuffs as I was still shaking nonstop as if I'm having a seizure "honey oh my Y/N! Y/N! Are you ok??" She started to worried, I slowed down then passed out.

"Baby?!" "Wake up oh my oh Jesus Y/N wake up!!!" Diane slapped me across the face and I finally opened my eyes.

"Oh lord, I thought you died" she looked at me shocked, "I did but I came back because I couldn't leave my sex machine all alone" I giggled and she laugh with tears in her eyes, "you scared the shit out of me I thought I fucked you to death" she smacked my arm softly "owww" I pretend to be in pain, "oh should I keep on going since you're back to life" she looked me up and down "no no please this time I'll go forever and never come back" we kissed.

Diane and I went into a hot shower together "my turn" I thrust 3 fingers into her pussy as fast as I can "FUCKKK BABY JUST LIKE THAT" she moaned and bite my shoulder while standing against the wall, "faster yesss" my shoulder starts to bleed and Diane was tightening around my fingers. I licked her earlobe and whispered "cum for me mommy" she clawed her nailed onto my back causing it to bleed, she reached her high and came over my fingers "that's fucking amazing where did you learn all this from" she kissed me "you" I giggled.

We finished and got out off the shower back to our room, we went under the blankets, Diane pulled another duvet over us.

We started asking each other some random questions, "do you have any favorites holiday?" She asked me,
"Yes, Halloween" I said softly,
"When we're together, darling, every night is Halloween" she kissed my forehead.
"Yes baby"
"I love you"
"I love you too honey"
"Goodnight mommy"
"Goodnight my dear"

{To live without you, only that would be torture,
a day alone, only that would be death}

The End.

| MY WAY | Diane Sherman Where stories live. Discover now