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I was watching a documentary about serial killer in my room, Diane told finish making breakfast I can come down to eat. I was so into it, I didn't Diane shouting was me to go down stairs.

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I GO UP THERE AND DRAG YOU DOWN BY THE TWO PIECES OF HAIR YOU HAVE ON YOUR TINY LITTLE HEAD" I jumped from the bed and down the stairs as fast as a spider-girl and sat at the table.

"Don't make me call you twice again or you will be in troubles" She placed a plate with pancake and blueberries on it,

"YES yes ma'am I won't do it again" "but I don't mind being punish by you" I murmurs 

"what is that again?" she chocked on her berries, "nothing" I laughed and we continue eating until I remember about my dear Lana Banana who's still stuck in that shit hole,


"Yes baby?"

"Since I'm safe now, how about our plan on saving my friend?"

"Oh darling you're safe here but it doesn't mean you are safe out there, I got a call from sister Jude this morning while making our breakfast she said you are missing and suspect that I have something to do with it, so we better stay as we were and don't worry about your friend I'm going to work after this and we will figure out what we can do about it", she smiled as I took a sip from the glass of water and it have this strange taste in it but I can't describe what it is.

"you said we so does that mean I get to go with you?" you asked exciting,

"we as in me and Lana" "you will stay here and don't you dare leave" she finished eating and start to wash the dishes, I offers to help but she said she can do it and told me to go and take a shower she will be up there in a minute.

I went into the bathroom, turned the water into the hottest temperature and went under it as I was lost in my thoughts I heard Diane knocked on the bathroom door,

"Baby, I have to go to work now Jude just called that your friend Lana is reported missing and she thought you both escaped together so I'll be back later, honey" 

"ok see you later" I heard the front door already closed and locked, she must be in a rush.

[Time skip] 5 hours later

It's now 5pm, I was laying on the sofa reading some of her books in the living room waiting for my baby she must be on her way back home now.

Finally,I heard keys unlocking the front door as I sat up I saw Diane came in through the door with this huge grocery bag I ran to help her carry it,

"Hello sweetheart" we shared a kiss, it was warm and I felt safe as always every time that I'm with her, I smiled through the kiss.

"I miss you so much so so much" I wrap my arms around her,

"I miss you more but we need to talk"

"about Lana?" I asked

"yes she escaped and she safe now much more safer than you" "I meet her on the way back when I stopped by your house she was there searching for you and I make sure no one will ever find her" I smiled as she finished her sentence.

"but where is she now?" 

"somewhere safe it's better if you don't know it" she took a box of chocolate from the bag and handed it to you, you haven't had any chocolate for so long so you end up eating almost half of it if Diane doesn't stopped you.

So now I have nothing to worry about Lana is safe and I'm with the love of my life.

I turned on the television while Diane went up stairs to take quick shower, I heard the door bell rang so I got up and opened it.

"Where is she?" a middle aged woman looked at me, her face was distorted with rage,

"Where is who? and who are you ma'am?" I raised my eyebrows

"wait I know you, you are that psychotic bitch my girlfriend always talk about", she said with disgusted written all over her face

"HOW DARE YOU CALLED HER THAT YOU WHORE, YOU THINK YOU COULD JUST KNOCKED ON MY DOOR AND ASSAULT MY GIRL?" Diane came down from the stairs and step in front me face to face with the brunette bitch, I stepped backward.

"There you are where the f is my girlfriend?" 

"Who exactly is your girlfriend?" I shouted from behind,

"Lana, Lana Winters" 

"I don't know where your bitch are, but I do know where mines is." "Now get the fuck out " Diane tried to close the door but the bitch got in,


"NOW TELL me wher-" I hit the bitch head with a crowbar and she fall to the floor, Diane looked at me I looked at the dead body of my friend's girlfriend.

"impressive" Diane came up to me and whispered as she licked my earlobe sending tingles all over my body.

"now what should we do with the body?" I asked closing eyes to avoid the arousal in my body from growing more and more.

"the same as the last one" Diane placed a soft kiss on my nose and went down into the basement.

She helped me buried the body next to where she buried her daughter.

{we are not dead, we are just living in another world}  

| MY WAY | Diane Sherman Where stories live. Discover now