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"who's this?" I asked taking a close look at the dead girl face,

"my daughter, Chloe" she said quietly,

"what happened?" you got up walking toward her,

"I don't know she was coming to visit me, she just appeared at the front door and we talked I told her about you and said you are going to stayed with me for a while and she said I can't keep you here so we got in a argument and now she- she's dead" "and-" she broke down into tears,

"shhh shhh... it's okay, where do you want to bury the body?" I asked as if it's normal to kill someone because they disagree with you. I mean if you disagree, you have 2 choices, stay silents or you can just die.

"you're not upset?" she asked looking at me,

"why should I? she tried to keep me aways from you, the bitch deserve it" I kissed her lips and help her getting up.

I helped her bury her dead daughter in her backyard and we went back inside. Diane asked if I'm still hungry,

"I'm starving mommy, I can you alive right now" she smacked me softly on the shoulder and laugh, "ok, sit down" she went and brought me a plate with pasta on it and another plate for herself.

I moaned at the taste of her food, "you like it" she smirked,

"I like it a lot, mommy" you winked and continue digging in,

"slow down or you gonna get sick" I nodded and continue to dig in making her shake her head.

After we ate, I told her I want to watch movie and she let me pick a movie. I picked a season from American Horror Story "Hotel", Diane brought in ice cream and chocolate cookies. We watched it together for 2 hours and it's now 10pm.

I felt so tired and really really want to sleep, "Diane, I'm sleepy"

"ok darling, let's get you to bed"

We went up the stairs, Diane brought me to my room as she pulled the blanket over me,

"Can you stay with me?" I asked her,

"of course baby, but I'll have to take a shower and I'll be back" you nodded and she placed a soft kiss on your head as You closed your eyes and drift-off.

Diane finished taking a shower and went back in your room, trying really hard to not wake you up, she laid down next to you, staring at you as the moonlight kissing your face.

"Goodnight, my sweet girl" she kissed you again on your head, held your hand and hers before she doze-off.

{nothing's gonna hurt you baby, nothing gonna take you from my side} 

[cigarettes after sex - nothing's gonna hurt you baby]

| MY WAY | Diane Sherman Where stories live. Discover now