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I lick her jawline on the way down to her room, "you have a jawline for days"
We went into her room she got this king sized bed, her wall painted in white, it's the first time I been in here.
She put me down and told me to wait for her also stay in 1 piece which she meant just my underwear.
I took everything off except for my black underwear and get on the bed.
I heard Diane footsteps coming in, I saw her wearing her black lingerie she noticed my stares but chose to ignore it she walked to the nightstand and took out 13inches strap, she put it on and crawled in the bed making me so moved by her action.

She took my underwear off using her teeth, "god you're dripping on my sheet, baby" she placed her soft hand on my wet core and start circling my clit. I moaned at her touch "shhhh" she went and took one of my nipple in her mouth twirling her tongue around it making it harden and did the same to the other.

"please faster..." I pleading for her to be inside me, "please who" she stopped her action, "please mommy I need you" I whimpered.
"Say it again"
"Please mommy I need you" I said softly,
"Say it like you meant it" She placed the tip to my entrance, ready to sink it.
"PLEASE MOMMY I NEED YOU TO FUCK ME" as I said it, without warning she sink it into me and bucks her hips up to get deeper inside me, I screamed feeling every inches of her inside of me "yes mommy mommy faster" I grabbed onto the bed sheet, she saw it and took my hand in hers.

She went faster and faster without mercy, "you like that baby?"she slapped my thigh, "Yes yesYes" "right there ahhh" "oh my you're big" my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

She slams harder into me, "FUCK MOMMY" I gasp in shocked, as my vaJayjay stretched so wide it burns and it hurts so good at the same times, I moaned loudly trying to catch my breathe and feel like my soul are about to leave my body, she knows that I'm close she pulled it out and flip me over I don't even have time to complain, she thrust it in again holding on to me "OH FUCK YES YESSS" I bury my face into the pillow, "OH YEAH" "FUCK ME FUCK ME" There's so much of her I can't think straight, "YES DIANE! RIGHT THERE OHHH RIGHT THERE" She came lower to my neck and kiss the back of my head, "JESUS FUCK" I screamed. "Even this wet you're so goddamn tight" she moaned, I can't respond back I was lost in a world of ecstasy.

you tried to close your legs she spread it back open, "try closing them again mommy will fucking tie you up" she groaned, I was shaking a mess. I was trying to hold in my moan and she knows it "let them out love, let me know how good I am at my job" the room filled with my moans, "mommy-can i" "no hold it" she thrust harder my heart beats raised like ocean water, "please i- I can't hold it any longer" I begged, "beg me" she slap my ass, "please mommy let me cum let me cum please I can't hold it ahhhhhh" "oh god you're hot when you beg" "cum like a good girl for mommy" with that word I clawed my nails into her pillows and my cum came all over her she slow her movements until I finished riding my high and finally she pulled it out, she flip me over on my back and spread my legs, licking my juice sucking it into her mouth and come up to me, she tapped on my mouth I opened it she spit in making me taste my self.

We make out for a while and came back for air, she was tired and I was exhausted we went under the blankets "it's was amazing Diane" I kissed her nose,
"We can do it more often if you like" she smiled and I nodded, she wrapped her hand around me "goodnight baby I love you" my eyes was quick open "did you just said you love me???" "Yeahh" "really?" "Yessss I love you I really do" "I love you too mommy..." we shared a kiss and drift off.

{whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil}

| MY WAY | Diane Sherman Where stories live. Discover now