I'm scared of Rollercoasters!

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Brooklyn's Pov

Today I had a panic attack because I went and saw one of my fears. So I was in the living room and Neal just woke up and he grabbed his white tank top and looked at me and said "So I thought we could go to an amusement park!"

 So I was in the living room and Neal just woke up and he grabbed his white tank top and looked at me and said "So I thought we could go to an amusement park!"

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I freak out and I say "A-A-A AMUSEMENT PARK!"

He said  "I thought it would be fun"

I looked at him and said "No I don't want to go"

He said "Why not!" 

I said "I just don't want to"

He grabbed his phone and I said again "Neal, I don't"

He shushed me and said "I already booked the trip"

I said quietly to myself "All my fears are coming to life!"

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I said quietly to myself "All my fears are coming to life!"

So we went and drove all the way there, I was not gonna have a good time because even if I look at rollercoasters I freak out and have a panic attack. So we were at the amusement park and it has a hotel as well so we stayed at the hotel for a few days. 

It was the next morning and Neal was looking out the window and I was just sitting on the bed freaking out and having a mini panic attack.

It was the next morning and Neal was looking out the window and I was just sitting on the bed freaking out and having a mini panic attack

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We then went to the amusement park and he wanted to go on rides and he wanted to bring me along since I'm his sister. We walked up to one of the rollercoasters and we got into line and my panic attack got worse.

I then started crying and I told him "Neal! Don't let me go, I don't want to go, I'm scared! Really scared!"

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I then started crying and I told him "Neal! Don't let me go, I don't want to go, I'm scared! Really scared!"

I then started crying and I told him "Neal! Don't let me go, I don't want to go, I'm scared! Really scared!"

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He then looked at me and said "Why are you scared?"

I said "I was on one before and it almost fell off the tracks and I almost died"

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I said "I was on one before and it almost fell off the tracks and I almost died"

He wrapped his arms around me and told me that I didn't have to go on any rollercoasters with him and so I got out of the line and went to go sit somewhere. 

I still wasn't out of my panic attack and I still haven't stopped crying. I then feel a hand on my shoulder and at first I thought it was Neal but then I looked up and it was Alex. She asked me "What's wrong, Are you ok?"

I said "Well Neal wanted to come here and I didn't but he wanted me to come and then we got here today and he tried to make me ride a ride with him but when we were in line, I had a panic attack  because I'm afraid of rollercoasters and then he had me sit over here so he could ride one and he didn't want me to be upset anymore but I still am and I'm just waiting for him to get done and come over here"

He then gets off the ride and comes over to me but Alex walked away. I got up still upset and all I could say while crying is "Neal!" He then came up close and hugged me as tight as he could.

I cried into his shirt and we went back to the hotel room but he decided that we would go back home because he's done seeing me upset. 


When we got home, I went straight to our room and laid down on the bed. Neal then came in and handed my stuffy and I squeezed it as tight as I could and dad came into the house and he came into the room.

He saw me upset and so he sat on the bed and I sat up and hugged him. It was really the first time I hugged him, I hugged him before but this one felt real. 

It was the next day and I went out but while out I was by this building and these guys circled around me and I was getting scared and I actually was starting to have a panic attack. I then got my phone out of my pocket and I called my brother. I told him what's happening  and then I actually saw him walking down the street with his phone against his ear and he was walking towards me.

 I told him what's happening  and then I actually saw him walking down the street with his phone against his ear and he was walking towards me

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Yeah I was still having a panic attack but I was kinda happy that my big brother was coming to save me from what was going to happen to me. He then came up behind the guy and flashed a fake badge and scared them off. Ok it was fake but still, he saved my life! 

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now