Chapter 3 - Lets Laugh At The Virgin

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After all the little pigs were full , we decided to have movie night . Movie night is basically every night were all together . Back in freshman year we came up with the idea of writing down all the movies we had on little strips of paper , and we put it into an empty cheese ball container . We would alternate between who was able to pick from the basket so that we all got a chance to pick .

"So who's house is it tonight ? " Anthony asked

" yours ! " We all said . It would be pretty stupid not to have it at his house because he has the ultimate "man cave " . I tried go get them to just refer to it as "the cave " since I'm always there , and even if I am a tomboy , I most defiantly am not a MAN . They said no of course , theres friendship for you.

Anyways I'll put up with the term man cave because let's face it , its heaven on earth . He has one section completely devoted go Ps3 games like red dead redemption to COD .there's couch and pillows lining the whole room , so we can chill out while watching movies or playing video games on the huge flat screen that covers the whole wall .

To the side they're three bookshelves that we use as DVD holders . We organized it in order of total failure. The first couple of dvds were the Rocky movies , the Harry Potter series , The Game plan , and Tom and Jerry cartoons . The last one nobody would own up to buying , but I had a sneaky suspicion it was Phineas , he's always had a soft spot for cartoons .

Since we already decided on going to Anthonys house , we all piled into my car .

" hey ! I call driver ! " Harvey yelled trying to jet to the car before me .

Oh hell no . Nobody drives that car but me !

" Harvey Henderson ! Don't you dare turn on that car ."

Harvey put on his puppy dog face ," Comeon Case . You know how much I love driving ! "

We were both having a staring contest to see who would back away first and get the car , when Lance popped up out of no where . He cackled evil after grabbing the keys from Harvey and jumping into the car .

" I'm driving ! " Lance said smugly

" whatever.. " Harvey and I mumbled

As soon as the 6 of us were in the car they're was a buzzing from my phone .

From : David

Hey beautiful ;) think about that offer yet ? I hope you did.

I snorted , this guy must have balls the size of China . I've already turned down David 10 times in the past two weeks . He has this annoying habit of never giving up when a girl turns him down .

"Who's that ? " Phineas asked

" The bane of my existence of course " I grumbled .

Lance shot Harvey a look , probably confused on who I was talking about . Instead of enlightening him on who I was talking about , I wrote a quick reply that I hope would allow him to catch on to my obvious hatred of him .

To David

back off numb nuts ! Stop txting me . Now .

No sooner had I sent that did I get a reply

From David :

no can do sweetheart , I know how much that would break your pretty little heart ;)

When I was about to text back, Harvey grabbed my phone and read my texts .

His face cracked open in a huge smile ," sexting bad boys are we now Case ?" my face flushed while all the boys yelled "what !"

" jeez guys ! He's joking why would I be doing...that " I said

" oh ya , forgot who I was talking to " Lance said while smirking , causing all the boys to crack up .

Ya . Let's all laugh at the virgin .

" comeone guys ! Let's be a little considerate for our friend " Phineas said . I was about to thank him when he said ," we should support her regardless... even though she's so...innocent ." After this the boys were wild with laughter , all sprouting jokes about my sex life , or lack there of .

My lovely friends.......


Third chapter here ya gooo :) . You can probably see alot of typos here , but i just finished typing it up before i have to leave so id figured id post it anyways.

Ps. if anyone knows a good editor or is one , Id love to have your help... editing is not my strong suit lol

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