chapter 9 -awkward moments

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Hey guys !! I usually don't like doing authors note before a chapter , so ill make this short !

1 I'm sooo sooo soo sorry about updating so late , I like to update every 1-2 days but I've been really sick :(.

2 I still am sick , so if this chapter is complete crap I apologize !


" Close your eyes idiot !" I yelled at Harvey who was still in the doorway , his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head , it seemed like he was glued to that spot .

" Harvey !" I yelled again trying to get it through his thick skull that he needs to leave .

And just when I though he might be functioning again I heard someone else yelling .

Great let's have a party while I'm naked on the floor .

"What the hell is going on here ?!" Phineas demanded

I guess the shock of Phineas yelling threw him off and Harvey was finally able to run out of the room .

Phineas slammed the door shut behind them.

After getting up and drying myself off , and the floor I went into my room where I saw Phineas and Harvey whispering back and forth .

" well you guys can go downstairs and have breakfast , I'm sure Stephanie already made some food "

I said

"Uh yeah sure "Harvey said as Phineas dragged him out of the room

As soon as they left I ran around the room looking for my basket ball shorts so I wouldn't be late to school .

I paired it with my favorite Nike shirt that had Just Do It stamped on the front .

Looking at the clock I saw that we had 30 minutes until school started , so I had enough time to eat before class ! Unless those numb nuts already at my breakfast plate downstairs .

I slid down the railing to the first floor and ran to the kitchen catching Phineas and Harvey planning on taking pieces of my breakfast . Oh hell no !

Running up behind them silently I quickly kicked the stools out from beneath them causeing them both to fall on their ass and scowl at me .

Sitting down I inhaled my breakfast , trying to be quick so we could leave on time .

" you know , it would be hard to remember your a girl by the way you eat Casey " Phineas said wryly to me .

Just as I was about to reply I heard Harvey mumble "believe me . She's a girl "

Awkward much...

Yeah .


The three of us walked into the school building together , but since we all have different first periods we split up .

I opened my locker , and my binder cake tumbling out . The momment the binder made contact with the floor the entire thing exploded , sending papers flying everywhere .

Your kidding me right .

Groaning I went on my knees trying to gather all the papers when I heard someone else say ,"need some help sweetheart ?"

I glanced up and confirmed my suspicions .

"No David ." I replied bluntly and continued picking up things alongside David even though I said no . As if I'd ever ask for his help , its like selling your soul to the devil !

After I cleared the hallway of my papers I stood up and faced David , grabbing my papers from his hands before walking too my class .

" you no , most people would say thank-you " he yelled after me

I swear. I'm going to kill him one of these days and I'm not going to even be put in jail since I'm doing something good for society .

I turned around to say " I didn't ask for your help "

"Same old Case I see " he said chuckling to himself .

" excuse me ?" I said

" always so stubborn , just like when we were kids right ? Remember when - "

He didn't finish his sentence because I had slapped him so hard he stood their speechless .

" I can't believe you have the balls to stand their and talk about when we used to be friends. Your such a hypocrite ! You were my bestfriend ! And you left me behind when you heard those rumors about me and my family back then! "

"Comeon Casey we were little kids ! How -"

"I hate you . Don't even try texting me anymore , I'm not interested in you . So stop flirting your only making a fool out of your self . " I yelled at him before running to class , leaving him behind .

It wasn't until I entered the class that I realized I was already 10 minutes late and I had a detention slip waiting for me on my desk .

Oh the joys of high school !


authors note

sorry that its short :/ but I tried . still sick so I hope this makes sense to you and I'm not just writing rubbish .

comment / vote pleassee :)

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