chapter 2 - My father Figure .

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"Casey please , just listen to me ! " my dad yelled at me . His normally youthful looking face twisted in shame and anger . we've never had an argument , but our first is what tore us apart .

"No ! I can't believe-"  I was cut off by him saying

" I am your father .You will give me the respect I deserve !" He screamed in my face , the veins in his forehead coming out from exerting his voice . 

" You lost the ability to call yourself my father when you cheated on mom , and wrecked this whole family." I whispered too him . Shocked that I was finally able to say the words I've been thinking for so long .  

And with that I ran out of the house , grabbing my bike to ride far away from here . Despite the calls from my father asking me to come back and talk to him .


I woke up like I always did when I had this dream , right after I left him . I saw my father once more after that day , but it was at his funeral. I avoided him that day of our argument . I was so angry . We had everything ! He had to go and ruin it with my teacher ! Did he ever think about how it would affect me ? Little girls in 5th grade were terrible creatures . Soon everyone new about my family , the father who cheated and with the principle no less. They might have been sympathetic to me if he wasn't found dead in the car crash with Ms Liela. Of course people asked questions and they soon found out about the affair . 

My dad died in a car crash , but that... woman still lives . She moved far away after , but the damage was already done to our family.

I didn't realise I was sobbing remembering the past until my door opened , and without saying anything , Harvey sat down and opened his arms to me . It wasnt long until I was in his arms crying . He knew by now it was the dream again , since we've been friends for so long . 

After a while I calmed down and in tangled myself from Harveys arms .  

"Do you want to talk about it ?" I could tell he was sincere , his brown eyes stared into my gray ones with absolute sincerity . 

I quickly shook my head "No , you can go back to bed ..." 

"I'm your bestfriend Casey , I won't leave you while your obviously upset " he said , his blond hair falling into his eyes as he spoke to me .  

"Ok... well I am kind of hungry " And just like that the seriousness of the momment left and Harveys frown was replaced by a wide smile . 

" I thought you'd never ask ! "


A couple of hours later all five of the boys came upstairs , just waking up . Lance as always was first , he was easily the tallest , other than Harvey , he was 6 foot 1 . His height really helped out during basketball season . He had jet black hair and hazel eyes, he rarely ever smiled , but that's what made him such a lady man , in his words " chicks dig the deep and brooding look "  

Behind him was Sam , he was around 5 foot 11 with green eyes and red hair . He was the happy go lucky one of the group , this Irish man was always laughing or smiling , entertaining everyone . He walked in and took hid usual seat between everyone. 

Anthony came in next , he was easily 6 feet tall . He had dark features , but a very light skin color , he was both Latino from his mothers side , but also French on his dads . He was quiet but he always had our backs ,and made sure we were always cool with one another . 

And last but not least Phineas. He was always the last one to come in anywhere . He walked in lazily scratching his head, his brown eyes opening sleepily . He was easily the most attractive of the group , but unlike Lance he didn't flaunt it , he's had the same girlfriend for the past three years who he loves more than anything , even though he's not so open with his feelings . Were all such a close group , nothing really stays hidden between us. even though they're a pain in the ass , I still love them .

" hey Case, I'm kinda hungry..." Sam said sheepish , immediately all the boys were mumbling something like "please.." "Comeon I'm hungry ..."

Did I mention they're a pain in the ass ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey Guys ! so heres the second chapter , its kinda short but i really just wanted to be able to describe Caseys friends first since theyre going to have a huge role in the story . I hoped you liked it so far... I should be posting again soon! Comment/ Vote !!

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