chapter 14 - Blame it On The Alcohol

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Chapter 14

Cruising into school wiith a hangover the size of Russia , is not something I would wish upon my worst enemies ... I swear not even food could get me happy now I thought groaning as I walked into lunch .

Walking in I made eye contact with Flynn , who immediately beamed down at me .

I was confused for a second before I remembered ... I said I would go on a date with him !

Shit .

Couldn't I just blame it on the alcohol I thought desperately to myself .

No offense to Flynn or anything , he seems like a cool guy but its weird how he can ask out a girl out who's basically a stranger . Like any other person who would be put in my spot , I found myself questioning this guys sanity .

Instead of turning around and saying Hi , the polite thing to do I grimaced , turned around and practically ran to the lunch line .

Subtlety is not my strong suit if you haven't guessed so already .

Not even glancing over my shoulder to see his reaction I grabbed a tray and started to pile on the food .

Maybe I spoke to soon when I say food wouldn't help , because this pizza is looking pretty delicious right now .

"Wow , I've never seen someone look so lovingly at food before " Flynn said grinning while scratching his head .

Curse you pizza and your amazing ability to distract me I thought while still trying to avoid talking to Flynn .

With my lack of response his smile dropped . But only to come back a second later .

"Amazing weather were havein right !" He said enthusiastically

Glancing quickly out the window all I could see were storm clouds promising rain soon .

Raising an eyebrow I turned away to look over to my table as the lunch lady rang up my lunch . I could see all the boys looking at me curiously mouthing something that I couldn't quite catch .

As I was about to start walking over to my table I was suddenly being dragged across the lunch room and out of the doors . Normally I would resort to my amazing ninja skills to get myself away from the person pulling me but alas....I was distracted by the pizza again .

" So what gives ?" Flynn said giving me a look that I guess was supposed to look menacing , but in the end just came across as sad.

" I don't know what you mean " I replied staring coldly back at him , hoping he would catch the hint and let me live .

" oh so she speaks " he joked trying to make light of the situation

This earned him silence on my end .

Pulling his hair and groaning he says " I swear I don't get you , and don't go all I barely know you on me . Yea . I get it , I just moved here but you seemed like a legitimate girl , and not those sugar cookies all over the school who can barely have a conversation "

" And then at the party... when I asked you out again you said yes . Were you just trying to get rid of me ? Was everything you said after that bullshit too because I thought atleast we could be friends seeing how much we shared last night .But I guess friendship is to ovverated for you considering you won't even look at me , let alone carry a conversation before you shut everyone out " he said , breathing heavily at the end while I stared stunned at him , wondering what the hell brought this on. A small part of mind was still on the pizza honestly .

" You dont know -" I started to say before he cutt me off again .

"Then let me meet you ." He said

" I already can see the date is off... but friends for now ?" He said hopefully

A part of me was miffed at the fact that he said for now. But mostly I wanted to prove him wrong , and that I can be open so I replied

"So friends ." I said trying to be casual even though everything in my body was telling me to shut up

" friends" he said back , smiling so widely it was amazing that his face hasn't broken yet.

Without waiting for him , I granted my pizza and walked back into the lunch room and too my seat .

" hey guys ." I said cracking open my coke and taking a long sip.

" Yo " Anthony said " what did pretty boy want ?" He asked , all the boys having the same confused look on their face .

Snorting I replied " you guys are worse than girls sometimes "

" how would you ever no , your a guy right ?" Sam said smiling evilly at me earning a hard smack on the head .

" So what were you guys mouthing to me in line " I said before I forgot

" oh it was something like ' get the D '' Lance said cracking up , his face turning red from not breathing .

Lovely .


I walked into my last period , physics with my head phones in blasting my workout playlistism trying to wake myself up so I wouldn't be completely dead during class .

As I was making my way to my regular seat in the back of the room I felt someone grab my headphones and pull them out of my ears .

Of course . David .

Wait . David ? He's not in this class what the hell is he doing here I thought to myself .

" I transferred in " he said smirking at my confused face . God I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face .

" Ok. Leave my seat then and go to your seat then !" I said exasperated with his antics .

At that his smile grew even wider .

"Well as you can see beautiful , there is no other seat available . " the smirk still glued onto his face.

Too my horror I could see he was actually telling the truth . Slowly all the color drained from my face

No no no no no no no no !

" Yes yes yes " he said laughing . Of crap I said that outloud .

Before I could reply the teacher walked into the room and started handing out the worksheets .

When I was handed one I felt my heart sink even lower looking at the sheet .

The header read " year long partner project "

No not -

" Ladies and gentlemen as you can see I have passed out your partner project. Also before you ask , yes you have partners , they will be your lab partner ! So you'll be getting to know them pretty well over the year


Kill me now .


Authors note

Short , sorry I'm really focusing on school now and I feel bad about not updating ... thanks to everyone who messaged me about the story ! It was awesome reading those messages.

And I'm deciding on weather or not I should tell you guys what happened at the party ....

Till next time

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