Chapter 6 : Trying Out Ketchup Shampoo

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Yeah, so tell me girl if every time we

Tou-ou-ch, you get this kind of ru-u-sh

Baby say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

If you don't wanna take it slow

And you just wanna take me home

Baby say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

"UGHHH!! " I yelled at the top of my lungs.


I Just got into my car after having possibly one of the worst days of my life. I’m still waiting for one of those guys from those prank shows to come out and tell me this was all a set up , but sadly I knew that my life would be way to easy if this were true. Maybe I should re wind a little back to this morning when I first entered the school with a scowling Phineas by my side.


I could barely keep up with Phineas as he ran to school , with hopes of not being late and ruining his perfect attendance that he has kept going since Pre kinder. What usually would be a 20 minute drive was cut down to a 13 minute drive . We were lucky as hell that none of the police officers were paying attention to the two teenagers speeding down the streets. I was never one to disobey the law , but hey having a pissed off Phineas on your hands was never a good thing .

We made it into the halls just as the final late bell rang and boy did I feel blessed . Now Phineas would stop being all pissy with me . Now that Phineas was confident that we were not late he waved to the few kids that were still in the halls before turning into the first door on the right for his 1st period class .

" Have a good first day Casey " he yelled over his shoulder before walking into the classroom to take his seat.

I scurried over to my locker cursing myself when it didn’t open on the first second or third try . Damn . I’m definitely getting detention today .After the 5th time my locker finally opened I dropped my bag into it , grabbed a pencil and my lucky pen along with my new scratch and sniff notebook that I bought last night, even though the boys teased me about it . Personally I just think they were jealous of my notebook picking skills.

I finally made it to first period, Ap Literature . But of course , I’m Casey Ventura ! I can’t just sit right down without being noticed. I managed to trip over the rug that had a raised edge over the entrance.

"Ms. Ventura , I wasn’t aware that students were allowed to fight with their lockers before coming to their first period class!" Mr. Springfield

Great . I could feel my face heating up . everyone must have heard my little adventure I had with my locker out in the halls.

" no of course not " I replied , not risking making a smart ass comment , I knew I was already in trouble as it is .

" Detention , Room 1134 after school . Don’t be late to THAT . " ugh . I hate him it’s the first day of school couldn’t he give a break every once and a while.

I could hear the people in front of my snickering , probably still laughing over heaing me getting rejected buy my locker . Again . And again .

I zoned out for the rest of the period , and went through 2nd, 3rd, and 4th period without any disturbance .

It was time for luck and I was so happy that all the guys had lunch with me today , maybe my day would picking up thought cheerfully! Boy was I wrong .

Stacey - One of Lances many ex girlfriends was behind me in the lunch line talking to one of her bleached blond babies that she enrolled in being one of her many - unoriginal- minions.

" I see your already having a lazy day , weirdo . What ? Goodwill out of clothes " Stacey spat at me , smirking . oh man . Did she really think that was a good insult ? I’ve heard worse , no thanks to the rumors that are spread around due to her big mouth . After Lance dumped her , she took out her anger at me , spilling out stupid rumors about me to everyone .

I ignored her , hoping that she would take the hint and back off before I did something I would regret . Not because she didn’t deserve it but because I couldn’t afford to get into any more trouble .

Stacey prattled behind me , while her little minion laughed at every word coming out of her mouth . I really wasn’t paying attention till I was walking away and I heard her say .

" I bet she'd be pretty easy . That probably why no guy ever wants her . Or maybe they know the truth , she’s a lying cheater. Just like her father , "

And that all it took for me to turn around grabbing my plate of food and throwing it at her face, which was caked in makeup of course .

I swear , I just wanted to make Stacey mad , not start one of the biggest food fights in history . By the end of it everyone was covered in mashed potatoes , bits of chicken nuggets , ketchup mustard, mayonnaise, chocolate milk, and broccoli. As soon as the principle walked in, everyone froze.


Before we were even in her office Stacey was blubbering some nonsense about being so hurt by me , and how she didn’t no why I would EVER do something like that to her.

" I don’t want to have and drag this out longer than needed . Detention for both of you. every Friday for two months. Now Stacey I’m well aware that you were taunting Ms Ventura so do not try and act innocent and leave my office right now ! '" I rose with her about to leave

" Not just yet Ms Ventura . please remain seated." Shit . way to good to be true .

"Ms Ventura. you have been in and my office more than I thought possible , for a straight A student I expect so much more of you! And I’m sorry to say , if I do find you in this office again , you will face expulsion . That is all . You may leave , and your parents will be getting a call about this . "


So . Amazing day right ?


Longer chapter !!!ha-ha :)

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