Chapter 11 - The begining of being a badass

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The boys came clamouring into the car , as usual . Sam was sitting shotgun , smiling smugly to himself for beating all the boys there while I heard Harvey and Anthony complaining on having to share the backseat with Lance and Phineas.  I didnt really care what they were all bickering about , as long as they didnt bring up the conversation that they might have wittnessed while walking to my car momments before .

The tension began to leave my body once I became confident that they didnt see anything and hold anything against me tonight. Finally calm enough to try and follow their conversation I could figure out that some party was going to be happening tonight. I zoned back out thinking to myself how stupid these kids must be to be having a party on a wekday ! They're parents must be crazy !

I zoned out too much , because the next thing I know I also ran a stop sign and a red light !

" Damn Case , I would appreciate living past tonight !" Sam spoke up next to me  cringing into his seat at my abrupt stop of the car.

" Yeah space cadet, keep your mind in this world ! " Lance yelled through the back , but it was muffled since Harvey had him in a head lock while trying to get his chips back .

Figures !

" NO EATING IN THE CAR ! I JUST CLEANED IT ! " I screamed, it took me 2 hours last night to get out all the stains that get in here .

" Chill man ! Im not gonna spill anything ! " Harvey yelled back, Just as the chips fell onto the floor , and immeaditaly got crushed by Lances monsterous feet." well starting now " he said anxiously

I signaled for him to pass over the bag, which he did and I began to eat the rest of his chips while driving to my house at the end of the street.

" Aww man ! Case thats not fair ! " Harvey and Lance said at the same time

" Hakuna Matata " I replied back lazily

" I dont think thats how the phrase works " Phineas said smirking,

"No worries " I said cracking up over how childish I sounded

I parked the car but right as I was about to get out Sam asked .

"Casey , are you going to the party tonight ? "

" One . Im grounded stupid so even if I wanted too I couldnt go and Two.  I hate parties. Three, I have know clue whos throwing it ."

" One is solved - sneak out " Lance said evily ,

" Two - I dont care your going " Harvey said while smiling happily

" Three - Its Staceys party " Anthony finished, grimancing slightly

" Oh hell no im not going to that little demons party ! Theyll have reason to ridicule me till I go off to college if I go there without invitation! " I said, amazed at how stupid my friends could be

" Comeon Case grow a pair! You can show Stacey where to shove her little comments if you go there with the confidence you have around us ! " Phineas said , obviously exasperated in my ability to suck the fun out of every party . But as much as I hate parties, I hate being told I dont have the balls to do something even more .

Which is why 30 minutes later all the guys were in my room throwing clothes at me that , and I quote

" Hot chicks wear to parties "


Two hours later

" Your wearing it ! " Sam demanded throwing the slinky black thing at me.

" Only sluts wear dresses that short ! " I shot back at him . That thing looks like it would barely even touch my legs !

Looking around I saw that all the other boys had given up and were all sleeping on the ground , Sam was the only one awake once he saw I was trying to get back into my old shorts and tanktops.

" This one . " This time Same was holding up a dark blue dress, the V neck was"nt dangerously low, and it was significantly longer than the slinky thing he was trying to get me into before . Realizing this was the best I could get out of this situation I grabbed it before going into the bathroom to change

Stripping out of my old clothes I shimmied into the new dress before glancing into the mirror .It came to inches above my knee, but I didnt want Sam to kill me so I kept it . Grabbing my long light brown hair with one hand, I threw it up into a bun not wanting to deal with that or make up .

" Wow ! Look who's actually a girl " Sam joked the momment I walked into the room.

" Har har so funny "  I said while sticking out my tongue. Wise ass.

He walked up to me and pulled down the bun, making my hair come down again .

" Keep your hair down for once . It does wonders. Trust me " he said handing me back the hair tie with a smile.


I had fallen asleep at the counter of my kitchen when i felt someone poking my face , opening one eye lazily I saw that it was Lance.

 The momment I stood up he pulled  me into a bear hug.

" My baby sister is growing up so fast !" he cried jokingly swinging me from side to side until we were both dying of laughter at his antics.

Putting me down all the boys walled into the room suddenly serious , damn . Who peed in their cheerios ?

" Since we are all familiar with the rules , and Casey isnt who would like to tell her " Lance asked

"  Rule 1 Whenever we go to a party as a group ,we leave as a group . ' Anthony said

" Rule 2 whenever we hook up with a person , we must txt atleast one person before hand so we know where to find you if one of us needs to go home " Sam said

" Rule 3 , and this is mostly just for Casey since guys ussually get their own drinks , never drink something that you didnt open yourself , you dont want to end up drugged in the back of some rape van " Harvey said, his voice laced with humor at the ends

" Ok ? " They all asked me

I had a feeling i was going to regret this but I replied back " Ok "


Authors note !

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