chapter 15 - why is my life starting feel like a bad reality show

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Do I really need to get up right now ? Because right now this bed is seeming like a pretty kickass idea after last night . Lets just say after a prank got wrong earlier in the day yesterday , the boys went hard on me at practice. 

 And I mean hard , like running until your legs are liquid , crunches till you feel no more , and lunges till i felt like there was no option but for me to drop dead on the spot . 

 So I really need these next hours of rest.

Who cares if todays friday and I have school. Thats what sick days were meant for !

Groaning heavily into my pillow I pulled the blankets are me tighter , already giving up on today .

" Casey !" I heard my mom yell down by the stairs. Well , I have one word for you mother : no .

After 3 minutes I felt that I was safe , so I drifted off to sleep . That was my worst mistake of the day . Because a minute later my lovely mother came in with a bottle of water, that was soon emptied all over my head . 

"Mami ! " I whined " I'm sick !"

" Sick my ass. Get up and put your clothes on now I'm not housing some highschool dropout eh ! " she yelled whipping the blanket off my back .

" and take a shower you smell like a dog " she sniffed before leaving the room to finish making breakfast

Grumbling I striped out of my clothes and ran to the shower .

I hate society . And their hygienic ways .


The school day was dare I say.... Normal ? Which until this year I had taken for granted.

I swear since this year began it felt like I was starring in some unfunded reality TV show . But boy did it help that Flynn and David were nowhere to be seen today . The day passed by in a mind numbing jumbled and it was amazing . Yes I Casey Ventura will admit : I enjoy being boring . I really do !

Even though it was such a good day , I still breathed a sigh of relief when the bell rang . Gathering my books I walked down the lot to wait for Anthony Phineas and Harvey by my car . Since today was Friday they decide to give me a day off from hell , and go out like normal people .

Which means buy tubs of ice cream from Kat's Ice Cream bar down the road , and watch scary movies and play videos all night.

In other words heaven .

Running late , catch up with you guys at the ice cream bar soon :p


Looking up from my texts I saw Harvey and Anthony running towards me at full speed .

I had enough time to formulate one thought and one thought only


 My next thought after impact was : I never want to be this close to the floor again !

flopping around like a fish out of water , I scrambled away from them. Oh they're going to regret that ! I swear its like they think that I wont actually fight back .

Those numb nuts .

" wipe that look off your face Ventura !" Harvey said with a mock firm voice . But I could already see the fear in his eyes

" whatever do you mean " I said while smiling sinisterly back at them

At once the color was gone from their faces, because they knew that whatever I'm planning to do to them , will be 10x worse than what they did to me ,

Armatures .


The jingles at the top of the entry way to the ice-cream shop would have normally annoyed me , but I was too preoccupied with picking a flavor !

They have hundreds of ice-cream flavors . All made by Kats family which made it even more special . I felt like Kat was more of a big sister to me than Stephanie was , we connected over a greater good : Ice-cream .

" Hey hunny !the regular load I hope , With the boys tonight I see ?" Kat said greeting us from the counter with a big smile on her face. God I love this woman .

Nodding I said " yep . Just throw in an extra pint of Oreo peanut butter , i don't like to share " winking i moved on to the pick up order isle to get it when it was ready .

" I want a cookie ." Anthony said quietly

" well ? then buy one ! " Jeesh ,you would think he's seven by the way he acts around sweets !

" Cassssssseeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy are you even listening to me ! I have needs ! " Anthony wailed in my ear . woops . Guess I dozed off from this conversation .

" Stop acting like a baby and buy your own damn cookie !"

" stop being cheap and buy me one ! " Anthony retorted back, glancing around I realized that everyone was staring at us . But I was sure as hell not losing this argument !

" NO !"

" Yes ! "

"NO "

"Yes! "

" No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no !" I yelled back , I am not buying this kid a cookie . oh hell no .

------------- 2 hours later ------------------------

" Thanks for all these cookies Casey  " Anthony said smiling sweetly down at me .

" shut up and eat you sugar , " I grumbled . I wasted a whole 2 dollars on it .

" I looooveee you Case ! " he yelled back obnoxiously , earning a smack from Harvey who's been trying to sleep in the back the whole tie we've been arguing .

" I expect to be payed back tomorrow . I know where you live , Don't try to hide ." I said sticking out my tongue at my friends antics , even though it was sort of amusing . Cant let him know that or it would get to his head ,Stupid boys and their big egos ,

Pulling into the driveway I was immediately attacked by  a group of wilder beasts .

Well , close enough . The boys are pretty hairy , and they do resemble animals when they're hungry .

Time to get chocolate wasted !


I wonder how many I'm sorrys I should write ?Because I AM SO SORRY . I've been working really hard to bring up my grades and writing just wasn't high up on my to do list lately .

This chapter is not at all what I want it to be but after all this time I think I need to post SOMETHING !  SO don't be too angry with me .... Love you !

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