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To make things clear, Zero Reverse is an AU made by me combining two AUs that were not made by me, which is Reverse Falls and Zero Gravity. I don't know who made Reverse Falls, but Zero Gravity was made by Tanosan on Tumblr. Also, the "episodes" are events that happened but this is not a full season story. I'll be adding backstories and one-shots as well, maybe some music chapters.

There are many interpretations on Reverse Falls, and I took inspiration from many of them to make this AU.

Reverse Falls is an AU that swaps personalities and roles, also having Bill turned into a demon that's his completely opposite, changing his first name to Will.

Zero Gravity is an AU that turned the triangle demon (both from Gravity Falls and Reverse Falls) into the protagonist pair of twins that we know, and the humans from the Cipher Wheel of Gravity Falls became entities known as guardians.

In Zero Gravity, we have Bill as the journal owner, Will as the fun (scared) sibling, Dipper and Mabel are their biggest challenge, the Guardians of balance. The other eight have different roles that maintain (or not) the universe in its place.

In my interpretation of Reverse Falls, Gideon is the journal owner, Pacifica is the fun cousin, both Dipper and Mabel are psychics, but Mabel is a lovesick jerk and Dipper lost his mind thanks to the magic and a trauma caused by Wendy (I'll be writing my own interpretation soon).

In Zero Reverse, Will and Bill became psychics, Bill still is the journal owner, but is a greedy jerk, while Will is more serious and the leader of the stage. Gideon and Pacifica will be their biggest challenge as the Guardians of Balance. Mabel and Dipper? You'll see soon, hehe...

If you're too curious and you want to know all roles before you read, I made a page on Fandom about this AU, ( for the most important characters or the gigantic list I made here.

With that being said, enjoy and watch out for any glass, after all.. who knows who could be truly behind it?

Zero Reverse (Reverse! Zero Gravity)Where stories live. Discover now