DGM (4)

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"I'm breaking the mirror." Will said.

"If you don't want the shack to be destroyed, don't break it here." Mason warned.

". . .Thanks for the warning, I'll go outside to break it." Will said.

A knock on the door interrupted the two, Will put the mirror back in the pocket and Bill went to open the door. Bill opened it and outside saw a man in a coated dark blue cloak with a staff and golden itens.

"Greetings." the man said.

"Run or hide." Mason demanded.

"Why?" Will thought.

"Don't trust him, run or hide!" Mason demanded.

Will hid under the table, Bill noticed it. "Huh?" he thought.

He looked back at the man and realised something, "I'll distract him." Bill thought.

"Young boy?" the man asked.

"Heya. . ." Bill paused, seeing his six fingered hand necklace. "Sixer." he said.

"I'm Stanford Gleeful, and you must be the new kid of the town, Bill." he said.

"Wow, I'm starting to become famous, aren't I?" Bill asked.

"Quite hard for new kids not to be the new talk of the town." Ford affirmed.

"Ha, nice." Bill said.

"May I ask where is your brother, Will?" Ford asked.

"He left a while ago, why?" Bill said.

Meanwhile, Will managed to flee to a room and jump out of the window, running away from the shack as fast as he could.

"Thank you. . ." Mason said.

"No problem. . . who was that?" Will asked.

"My great uncle Stanford, he trapped me here." Mason explained.

"Oh. . ." Will replied.

Back to Bill, Ford had entered the shack without any permission.

"I told you my brother isn't here, what do you want, Sixer?" Bill asked.

"There's a little something he has that I need back." Ford said.

"Such as?" Bill asked.

"A mirror, it is very dangerous and I do not wish it to stay in you humans' hands." Ford said.

"I have no idea what you're on about." Bill said.

"Maybe your brother hid it from you." Ford said.

"He wouldn't, it's me and him against the world, what I know he knows and what he knows I know." Bill said.

"Oh, really? Then tell me, how come he didn't tell you about the mirror? Why do you think he ran away from the priest?" Ford asked.

"Because that priest guy was chasing him, duh." Bill answered.

"Wrong." Ford said. "The priest wanted the mirror, that mirror will bring you doom." Ford stated.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Bill said.

Ford started to approach Bill, who just retreated with each step of the guardian. "Your brother is lying to you, just like he is lying to your brother." Ford affirmed.

"What are you yammering about?" Bill asked.

"The one trapped in the mirror, he's a greedy man, even worse, he's a power thief. The guardians had no choice but to lock him in a cage because he was out of control!" Ford stated.

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