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On the way back from the market, Bill thought about his brother's odd behaviour.

"Why is he hiding what happened from me? Is he afraid of something? Maybe that prophet did something to scare him." Bill thought.

He wasn't even paying attention to where he was going, he ended up a bit far from the shack. "Oh, wow, I lost track of where I was going." he said to himself, almost leaving.

On the ground he heard the sound of metal when he stepped. "What the?" he asked himself.

His curiosity spoke louder, he got down and looked at whatever this metal was, it looked like a door. "Hm, interesting." he thought to himself. "Looks like a lock.

As he looked for a way of opening it, he noticed there was a bit of water leaking near it. "What can I do with that information?" he thought to himself, looking at the metal door again.

He punched it, didn't open, but it broke a bit. "It's so old that the lock doesn't work! Ha! Now that's a lucky day!" Bill affirmed.

He pulled it out, using all of the strength he had. Once he managed to pull it out, he fell back as well.

"Ow." Bill mumbled, standing up afterwards, looking at what was inside of it. Inside of that was nothing but a dusty old book. "All of my efforts for a book?"

He picked up the book and took a look at the pages, it had lots of fantasy stuff. "Basically, this is useless. Like, what am I going to do with this book? Cast a spell? Ha! Well, de caelo et glacies pluvia." Bill said out loud, jokingly.

Suddenly, clouds were formed in the sky, Bill was surprised, but what surprised him the most was the fact that it started to rain ice, just like the spell he casted. He ran back home before anything bad happened, he noticed many people were surprised at the sudden frost, and so was he.

"I just made a frost. . ." Bill thought to myself.

Bill looked at the book again, in the cover was the number three. "This is. . . magic. . . real magic!" Bill smiled.

"Bill! I'm glad you're home!" Will exclaimed.

"Good to know. . . Why so worried though?" Bill asked.

"Have you not seen the frost outside? It's summer! That's unnatural. . ." Will affirmed.

"That's my fault." Bill conffessed.

"What?" Will asked. Bill showed him the journal. ". . .A book."

"More than a book, this has real magic in it! I'm not even joking!" Bill raised the journal.

"Are you. . . serious?" Will asked.

"Yeah! Wait, let me find something." I said, then I looked at the journal. Bill skipped many pages, looking for another spell, one that wouldn't cause as many problems as the previous one.

"Ha! Here! I can clone myself! Watch!" Will stood there, waiting. "Convertam me in duos!"

A smoke filled the room, both Bill and Will coughed, closing their eyes and only opening them seconds later. Once the smoke was gone, there was a second Bill in there.

"Do you believe us now?" Bill's clone asked.

Will's jaw dropped, he blinked twice and then closed his mouth. "Unbelievable. . ." he said.

"Cool, right? And guess what!" Bill said.

"What?" Will asked.

"We can make our dream come true! We can change reality!" Bill affirmed.

"We. . . can. . .?" Will asked.

"Yes! We can!" Bill exclaimed.

"Wait. . . if magic is real. . . oh no. . ." Will mumbled.

"What?" Bill asked.

"Did you get to see the guardian's houses and temples?" Will asked.

"Yeah, what about— it. . . oh. . ." Bill slowly spoke, understanding what he meant.

"Are they. . . real. . .?" Will asked.

"Probably, if this is real, then they must be real as well." Bill answered.

"What if they come after us?" Will asked. "No no no, we can't let them come after us! I just want a normal life, I don't want to be in an adventure against guardians! Oh, god save me!" Will exclaimed.

"William!" Bill called.

"I don't want to be a criminal!" Will shouted.

"We won't, chill." Bill approached him.

Will was breathing fast, he then slowed it down, trying to calm down, Bill gave him a small hug to comfort him, but felt something on his sweater's pocket.

"What's this?" Bill thought.

Before Bill could do anything, Will backed off a bit. "Will, what are you hiding?"

"Me? Hiding something? You know I'm terrible at hiding, why would I even hide something from you?" Will's nervousness was showing.

"It's true, you're terrible at hiding, which is how I know you're hiding something." Bill approached him.

Will started to retreat as Bill got closer, he just stopped once he hit the wall. "Will. . ." Bill mumbled, irritated that his brother was hiding something from him.

Will's pushed Bill, who fell back surprised at the sudden action. He ran and Bill chased him, managing to make him fall. Will kicked him off and tried to stand up, but Bill grabbed his foot. Bill pulled him, Will tried to get away.

"Will, tell me what's going on!" Bill demanded.

"I—I can't!" he affirmed.

"Why?!" Bill asked.

Before Will could answer, a greenish-blue light came out of his sweater and a bunch of greenish-blue lightnings covered Will, separating us and throwing Bill back.

Bill's breathing was slow. He turned to Will, who was also filled with shock. He had a hole on his sweater, now revealing a white mirror with greenish-blue spirals.

"I. . . the mirror. . . the voice.." Will mumbled.

"What?" Bill asked.

"This is why they didn't want me to give it. . M they're in the mirror." Will told himself.

"Who are you talking about? What's that mirror?" Bill asked.

Will looked at Bill, he was a bit afraid, he then looked at the mirror.

"You snitched on yourself. . ." he mumbled to the mirror. Bill gave him a confused look. "It's a long story. . . the ground is not the best place to explain, let's go to the kitchen. . ."

"Okay, but this time, don't lie." Bill told him.

"I won't. . ." Will affirmed.

End of Episode One

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