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A loud scream of anger echoed through the halls of a castle, two raven girls trembled in fear at the door of the palace. Soon, a brown haired woman in a white hat with peacock feathers attached and wearing a royalty white and blue dress furiously entered the throne room, the sound of the heels on her boots echoed loudly in the silent place.

"Ugh." she groaned, sitting down in a throne.

There were two thrones in the room, both were white and had white pillows as backrests and on the sitting part as well. The woman looked at the other throne, showing sadness, seeing the image of a man that looked like her sitting on that throne. Her fists cleansed as her sadness turned into rage, she beat her hands on the throne's sides and let out a loud groan.

The raven girls just stood by her throne, shaking in shock and showing a bit of fear. The thinner of them elbowed the other.

"Give her some tea!" the thinner one whispered.

"You're the maid, Candy, I'm the soldier." the other one whispered back.

"Ugh, you're useless, Grenda." Candy whispered.

Candy disappeared, Grenda crossed her arms showing small anger due to Candy's insult, soon Candy return with a plate and a teacup, walking carefully towards the woman on the throne to not let it fall.

"My queen." Candy said, serving the woman the tea.

Sighing, the woman took the teacup and looked at Candy. "Thank you, Candy." she said, taking a sip.

Candy bowed and went back to Grenda's side. "That's why I'm her favourite." she whispered.

"No, you're not." Grenda told her.

"Yes, I am." Candy refuted.

Both started an argument, one that caught the woman's attention, who watched it pleasingly while she drank her tea. Soon, the doors of the throne room were opened and a ginger haired woman in a black top and a pair of black pants carrying a spear with her entered inside, kneeling before the woman.

"Queen of the Dead." she said.

Making the teacup surround itself by a cyan light and float, the woman rested her head on her hand, she asked "What do you want, Wendy?"

Wendy stood up, looking at the woman. "I just want to talk to you." she said.

The woman raised an eyebrow, skeptical about her. "About what?" she asked.

"Your quest for your brother." Wendy answered. "How is it going? Do you have any signals or clues of where he is?"

A sound of "tsk" came from the woman's mouth, who closed her eyes, trying to avoid getting angry again. "I lost track of him again." she said.

"That's a shame. . ." Wendy affirmed, turning to leave.

"Even if I did find him, you wouldn't get any closer to him." she stated.

That phrase made Wendy turn back, looking confused towards the woman. "Why?" she asked.

"Because I forbid you to approach my brother again, you caused enough." she said. "For someone that's supposed to work with souls that wish their end, you almost were a cause of it, how ironic."

"I never did any harm to—"

"SILENCE!" The woman shouted, beating her hands on the sides of the throne. Slowly, she stood up and gave Wendy a deadly glare. "You are together with a man and yet you seek for a bed to be with my brother, how disgusting can you be?"

"Me and Robbie broke up centuries ago!" Wendy stated.

"Oh my, did he find out about you using him and cheating on him? How ironic that you had a thing for my brother since we were ten centuries old." the woman said, sitting down on her throne again. "You work for me primary, so here's an order. . . Back. Away. From my brother."

Wendy's expression turned into a serious stare. "Or what?" she asked, in a defying tone.

The woman looked at her, with the same deadly glare, her hat gave her an even darker look. "Off with your head." she answered.

The woman pointed to the entrance and exit of the throne room, Wendy left the room with an angry expression, all of her moves were watched by the woman.

"I promise you, brother. . . I will find you, and free you. Nothing will stop me. Nothing."

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