Deep Dark Gleeful Mirror (1)

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"Let's see if I got that right, you found that mirror on the woods while you were looking for me?" Bill asked Will.

"Yeah. . ." Will answered.

"And then you started hearing a voice that told you to not tell anyone about the mirror, not knowing why?" Bill asked again.

"Yes. . ." Will answered.

"And now you found out the voice you've been hearing came from the mirror?" Bill asked again.

"That's what I believe." Will answered.

". . .Wow. I don't even know what to say." Bill said.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, the echoes are painful, I didn't want them to repeat themselves." Will explained.

"It's okay, I guess." Bill said.

The two kept silent for a while, only the sound of the birds outside could be heard.

"So. . . When will you meet them?" Bill asked.

"They said something about closing my eyes, don't look back and open the door." Will said.

"I understood absolutely nothing!" Bill said, sarcastically.

"Neither did I, to be honest. . ." Will affirmed.

"Well, I guess we are unlucky then." Bill said.

"I'm kind of tired. . ." Will thought to himself.

"I'm gonna take a nap." he said.

"Sweet dreams." Bill affirmed.

Will went to his room and put the mirror under his pillow, he laid on his sleeping bag and closed his eyes. Once they opened, he wasn't in his room anymore, he was in what looked like a cave, but it was a big bright, but the fog didn't allow the light to be seen.

"What the? Where am I?" Will asked himself.

He remembered the mysterious voice's words, close your eyes, relax your mind, walk through the fog, don't look back, open the door.

"Close my eyes meant sleeping.. it makes sense! Now, where's the door?" he thought, walking through the fog.

After a short walk he finally found a big metal door with chains and a pine tree drawing on it, "Just like the mirror. . ." Will thought.

The chains weren't blocking the door from being opened, so he just pushed the door and opened it. Inside was dark, no light could be seen, he was starting to feel a bit scared.

"Should I really go in?" Will thought.

A roar coming from behind made him shiver in fear. "Okay, I'm going!" he thought, and rushed inside.

He closed the door behind him. "Whatever that was, I don't want to find out!" he affirmed to himself.

Will tried to look around him and find something, or someone. "Hello?" he called out.

A bright light appeared not too far from him, he approached it, seeing something in that light. To his surprise, it looked like the pine tree he saw on the door, but it had its back turned to Will, it was chained in cyan bright chains, with a blink of an eye, it turned into a man. The man was a brunette with a dark blue cape and a hood. That's all Will could see.

"Are you. . . the voice in my head?" Will asked.

Silence. The man kept silent.

Will approached him and turned to see his face. His iris were blue and his sclera was black.

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