A Human Once (2)

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DECEMBER 24th, 1325

Gideon was hurt, bleeding in his room, coughing and silently crying. The door behind him was locked, he sat on the floor with his head resting on his wounded legs. A tear hit the floor, he would have to clean that up later. It's been three years since they arrived in Raymond's hometown, he turned twelve that year, Christmas awaited the Trails family the next day. But Gideon wouldn't get a single gift, or maybe he would, but who said Cassandra and Raymond would let him have them?

He heard a chatter on the living room, his mom was talking to her sister, Catherine. He could barely hear them, but their conversation was still audible to him.

"So, how's widdle ol' Gideon?" Catherine asked, excitedly.

"He's. . . Fine." Cassandra said.

"Where is he? I want to see my baby nephew!" Catherine exclaimed. "It's been years since I last saw him!"

Catherine was the only person that cared about Gideon, Cassandra hated that, so she did her best to keep the two apart without getting any suspicions. Gideon touched the doorknob, almost opening the door, but then, he remembered Cassandra's order.

"No matter what, do not leave this room."

He didn't want to disobey her, but he was tired of being away from the only person that cared about him. He would get beaten up, but it would be nice to see his aunt for the last time.

Gideon made up his mind, he opened the door and ran towards Catherine. Catherine smiled and Cassandra looked shocked and mad. When she hugged him back her smile disappeared from her face, her eyes turned horrified to the wounds at the boy's body.

Catherine turned to Cassandra. "What happened to him?!"

Cassandra was nervous, but did her best to keep a smile. "He was playing in the park and ended up hurting himself really bad. Children accidents, right, Gideon?"

She turned to him, Gideon held Catherine tight, nodding quickly. His fear gave it away, Cassandra was lying and Catherine knew it. She lowered herself and put her hand on Gideon's forehead, being careful to not touch the marks of beating on his head.

"Was it an accident?" Catherine asked.

Gideon looked at the floor, holding back to not cry. He was a twelve year old now, he was too old to be crying like a child. He didn't know what to do, the moment he left the door there was no turning back now, he had to tell the truth. He shook his head in denial.

"It was. . . Mister Raymond. . ." Gideon said.

"Your father?!" Catherine turned to Cassandra. "Is he abusing you guys?! Cassandra, why didn't you say anything?!"

Raymond stood at the door, cleansing his fists in anger. Cassandra saw him and got out of the way, she pulled Catherine away from Gideon as she knew what was about to happen. Raymond stormed towards Gideon, who tried to run but was caught by the arm and dragged to his room.

Gideon cried out and tried to free himself. "I am sorry! I am sorry! Please! I am sorry!"

Raymond slammed the door shut, Catherine tried to make Cassandra let her go but failed. "Let me go, Cassandra! Why are you letting him do that?!"

"Because Gideon is a mistake! An abomination of his father's DNA!" Cassandra stated.

"Are you serious?! He's just a kid!" Catherine exclaimed.

Cries and screams were heard from the room, Raymond was beating him up pretty badly, worse than before. Gideon messed up this time, and there was no way of turning back.

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