Alterations on the AU (Roles and Plot)

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So, I'm not rewriting the main plot, but I did make a few changes on it, especially when related to the roles of Zero Reverse. So here's a new list of roles that were changed:

Will and Bill Cipher are still the psychic twins. They had both Journal Two and Three and aimed to get Journal One, but because of a few events, they lost the third Journal and now only have the second. Will is the leader twin and main performer of the Tent of Telepathy. While Bill is his partner and the rich jerk thanks to his own ego and Mabel being the main guardian he hangs around. Will is a Blue Triangle while Bill is a Yellow Square.

Gideon Pines is the Guardian of Balance, managing the Mind. His symbol is a Pentagram, like his canon version. He's the one that retrieved Journal Three, but he doesn't want to get Journal Two, instead, he wants to help out the Cipher twins and take them out of the madness they're going through. His partner, Pacifica, is his older cousin. He doesn't believe much in forgiveness or mercy, because the logical way to solve a ton of things is not by letting them slide, but by putting a stop to them once and for all. He parallels Pacifica on the political and warrior thinking. To represent his ruthlessness and fierceness, he can summon black spikes and thorns. Because he was human, he can/needs to turn off his emotion manually by diving himself from his human half.

Pacifica Southeast is the Guardian of Balance, managing the Emotion. Her symbol is the Llama, like her canon version. She has good intentions, but lets her own emotions and beliefs make her seem rude, apathetic and selfish. She tries to help the twins by giving them advice on how to move on, but both usually ignore her due to past resentment. She believes in forgive and forget, to give a second chance, because bloodshed won't solve anything. Due to her softness (but a few thorns as well), she can make roses appear and their petals fall where she goes. Together with that, she has a golden trident.

Robbie Corduroy is the Spirit of the Forest. A musician for all creatures in the forest of Zero Reverse, he's caught the attention of Wendy Valentino and Gideon Pines, with both competing for his feelings. He's very chill and, while not on the greatest terms with the twins, he's around them to help whenever they need. His symbol is an Ice Pack. He breaks up with Wendy because he finds out she's trying to date Dipper/Mason while being on a relationship with him. He knows about Gideon's crush on him, but doesn't feel the same way. He started to date Tambry, but not thanks to a love potion.

Wendy Valentino is the Cupid of Self Love, something she doesn't truly demonstrate having (much like canon Cupid Robbie didn't demonstrate being able to move on from heartbreaks). The older sister of three other cupids, she's easy to fall for a certain type of guy, which is why she believed to be in love with both Mason and Robbie. She works with the Gleefuls, and as a consequence, the Ciphers too. Her symbol is the Stitched Heart. She gets along mostly with Will, giving him advice on how to deal with his emotions (although she does need to listen to her own advice sometimes).

Fiddleford McGucket is the Guardian of Time (taking both Stanley and Stanford's role). His symbol is the Pair of Glasses. He didn't write the Journals, but was there to see it being written and to help out with the progress. Used to be friends with Ford and Stan Gleeful, but their friendship has ended due to a ton of disagreements that happened between them, especially because of Ford. He wants the Journals out of the Cipher Twins' hands and definitely doesn't trust them, especially because of their alliance with the Gleefuls and the amulets they bear. He acts as a family figure to both Gideon and Pacifica.

Stanley "Stan" Gleeful is the Priest of Zero Reverse. Being an honest clairvoyant guardian with a golden and generous heart, what he takes, he shares. His kindness and love for the family is what conflicts him in all of the situations happening between the Gleefuls and his old friend, Fiddleford. He's mostly around the Temples of the town. In the beginning, he worked with Ford against his niblings, but later on, he joined them and started to help out the Ciphers. His symbol is the Crescent.

Stanford "Ford" Gleeful is the Guardian of Magic and Knowledge. He's a greedy and corrupt man who allowed the promises and delusions to get over his head and turn him into a devious man that would go against everyone, regardless if they're friends or family. He trapped Mason in the Mirror Realm due to the fear of him becoming more powerful than him. The Gleefuls are Titans (headcanon of Zero Gravity: the Pines are Titans, a species similar to demons, but with alterations and no chaotic purposes, though they're just as dangerous – if not more), which he takes pride on. Stayed hidden with the Society of the Blind Eye for a while after Mason returned, but soon got locked away for treason against family and the cosmic order. He tries to take the Journals from the Ciphers as well, but only because he fears they'll use it against him. His symbol is the Six-fingered Hand.

Mason and Mabel Gleeful are the Gods of Death and Rulers of the Afterlife. Mason's symbol is the Pine Tree, while Mabel's is the Shooting Star. Mabel was always seen as cocky and prideful, but after her brother was taken away from her, she became moody and easily stressed, partially being Queen of Hearts alike. Mason has never stopped being malicious and eloquent, though he became more cautious after the terrible experience of being chained up, forced to be the slave of whoever owned his prison. When Mason met Will, he swore his life to protect him even before his freedom (and he would still do it, even if he wasn't stuck, because he knows both the human and the demon very well). At first, Mabel didn't want to help the twins, but thanks to Mason, she complied. Mabel is closer to Bill while Mason is closer to Will. Mabel became clingy and protective over her brother after they reunited.

Candy and Grenda are still Raven Knights. They're spoiled minions that follow every command of their queen, Mabel. There's not much to say about them but that them remaining as ravens is a reference to the poem The Raven from Edgar Allan Poe. Pacifica has her friends as well, who walk with her in the shape of llamas if not in human forms.

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