They're Only Human (Song Parody Chapter)

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This song has some changed lyrics from the original one for the purpose of making sense.

On a rooftop where the entire city could be seen, a duo of guardians watched the humans, filled with curiosity and intrigued by their actions, the guardians were the God of Death, Mason Gleeful, and the Guardian of Balance, Pacifica Southeast.

M: Look at how they crawl around, upon the ground like little ants

P: Yes, but how they fascinate confusing fate, with what is merely chance

The two start to walk around the city, through a realm the humans wouldn't see them.

M: Isn't it a laugh?

P: Isn't it a shame?

M: Thinking there is someone in heaven to blame?

P: Yes, but even while blaming fate for the lives that they lead
They hope for the lives that they need.

M: Living every day, till the day they die
Never getting answers

P: And still asking why.
Going through the motions as if there will be a reward

M: While we stay eternally bored.

M/P: They're only human, they don't see
Who they are is who they'll always be
Only human, after all

M: So they push and they shove

P: With this thing they call love

M/P: 'Till they fall!

M: Isn't it a farce?

P: Isn't it a waste?

M: Struggling to face what can never be faced

P: Yes, but maybe death can release something more than we share

M: I really don't know and don't care.

M/P: They're only human, standing still
Doomed to live pushing boulders uphill
Only human, after all

M: So they give and they take

P: Hoping someone will help break their fall

M: They will pray, curse, live, die
Never knowing their truth is another man's lie

P: Eat, sleep, love, hate
Like a leaf blowing in the wind!

M: Watch them all vacillate!

They approached each other, holding each other's hands, Pacifica put her other arm on Mason's shoulder while Mason put his other arm around Pacifica's waist.

M/P: They're only human, they can't see.

M: All the years they could give you and me.

M/P: Only human, after all!

P: So they give and they take!

M: 'Till their silly hearts break

P: Looking down from above!

Mason throws Pacifica in the air.

P: I'm intrigued by their love!

Mason caught Pacifica in his arms.

M: So let's call...

P: Let's call...

. . .

Le End

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