DGM (2)

22 1 0

"Did I. . . free you?" the child asked.

"Almost." I said, standing up with a bit of difficulty. He watched me stand up, slowly, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I did look like a clumsy doll. "Ugh.. it's been centuries since I could move. . . thank you child." I said.

"No problem. . ." Will replied.

"This place is really dark, don't you agree?" I asked.

"Yeah. . ." he answered.

I snapped my fingers and smoke covered the air, slowly, a medium greyish-blue light covered the room.

"Ah, much better, feels like home." I said, then I started to stretch my arms and my back.

"So. . . it was that easy to free you? How come no one was foolish enough to touch them?" he asked me.

"It's not that easy, you need to really want to free me, no one wanted to free me before, they wanted my power." I explained.

"Your power?" he asked me.

"Oh, you didn't notice." I mumbled.

"Wait. . . we can use your powers?" he asked me.

With a sigh, I figured it was pointless to try and lie, he'd find out sooner or later, so I'll just tell him the truth.

"This mirror allows its owner to use the powers of the prisoner, I am the prisoner, and you are the owner." I explained.

"That's. . . so. . . cool!" he exclaimed. "With this we can change our reality for a better one! I can give me and my brother a better life! And when I'm done, I can free him. . . hopefully he knows how to free him." I heard his thoughts.

Hearing that made me a bit shocked, he was willing to free me? That was something new.

"Why would you free me?" I asked.

"I don't see the point in keeping you a prisoner once me and my brother have a better life." he answered.

I kind of doubted that was the real reason, but looking at him, seeing a bit of his mind, something tells me. . . this boy is pure kindness, a kindness so big that people take advantage of.

"You are not from here." I affirmed.

"I'm not. . . but I'm not going back anyways." he said.

"Why?" I asked.

". . .I don't like to talk about it." he said.

Now I'm curious, sorry kid, but I won't take no as an answer. I approached him and touched his forehead, I could see his mind and now had full access to his memories.

I could see many things in there, two adults beating up him and his brother, a group of teens bullying him, a boy taking advantage of him and his friendship, he even insults Will. Then, I saw the pair of twins packing their things and fleeing, no food, no home, and no turning back.

My hand slowly got away from his forehead, he had tears in his eyes, I knew what that meant. "Sorry for the flashbacks." I said.

He said nothing, only cried, looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry, blue triangle." I said, pulling him to a hug. "Here, let it out." I said.

He hugged me back and kept crying, I caressed his head, this child had suffered too much. Maybe I could use this, but not as a way to take advantage of him, but to help us both. I know what is like to be used, abused, tortured, no child deserves that pain.

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